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Moms response to me telling her about intermittent fasting


I know, I know. I shouldn’t have said anything but she asked me how I was able to stay so slim and still enjoy food. She’s yoyo dieted her whole life and we recently started getting closer so I thought I was safe sharing.

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Daily mail lol

Most people, including journalists(I dont really either tbh) dont know how to read scientific studies and just quote the head line grabbing statistics but there are things like what sort of study was it? a randomised controlled trial (which is the gold standard of scientific study) or was it an epidemiological study, which is a considered weaker sort of study, was it statistically significant etc, etc

Most studies relating to food are done by questionairre because its expensive, inpractical and unethical to lock people in a lab for years on end and TIGHTLY monitor their food. People of often times inavertently lie on these questionairres because they cant remember what they ate (or in this case how often) 2 weeks ago, a month ago etc.

In the conclusion it says “eating one meal per day was significantly associated…”. An association is not a causation. Ie. Just because we have information about one variable implying knowledge about a second variable doesnt mean it caused it. A famous maxim in science.

However we absolutely know that being obese/overweight causes coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood preasure and other symtoms of metabolic syndrome

So all in all I’d ignore the article


So they are recommending eating 3 times, 5 hours apart, so maybe 9:00 a.m, 2:00 p.m and 7:00 pm, then 14 hours of fasting? I went to the study and attempted to read it. https://www.jandonline.org/article/S2212-2672(22)00874-7/fulltext

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