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Multiple psychiatric medications + Fasting question

I am on quite a few meds, kinda heavy-duty each in their own right, and I’m wondering if it’s safe for me to fast for 2-4 days while on my meds or if I’ll need to do 24 hour fasts or intermittent fasting only. I can’t really stop these meds, especially simultaneously, and to be frank it will take a long ass time to wean off them properly as well. I am on some kinda contraindicated meds - stimulants + depressants, for things like anxiety, sleep, ADHD, and opioid use disorder. I understand there are plenty of issues with the meds I’m on, and don’t wanna hear about it, but I’d like to know if I can fast if I am taking these meds or not, as I’ll be attending a men’s retreat, and a long portion of it is supposed to be a water fast. Where I’ll also be out alone camping with no one within a 50 mile radius. So I don’t wanna die. I know one of the meds is absorbed better with food, one of the meds suppresses appetite, and another makes me crave food like crazy but puts me to sleep, but I’m mainly wondering what the effect will be, given that I’m on a stimulant, opioid, GABA-ergic, and thienobenzodiazapine. So, should I tailor the fasting portion of this retreat to include a light meal here and there? I honestly don’t think I’ll have any trouble going 24 hours without food. But any longer than that plus taking my meds seems like it may be a bad idea. Furthermore, could one take something like benadryl or melatonin while fasting or is that also a bad idea? Any input or advice would be greatly appreciated, and I understand you’re not a doctor. I’ll be asking my psychiatrist next week before I leave but I’m not sure she’ll know the answer.

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This is Not Safe. You would need to be medically monitored in an inpatient medical unit with access to an ICU, and you should only undergo this fast to save you from a somehow more life-threatening condition. Otherwise for you to safely go on a water fast, you would need to taper off of several if not all of these medications.


Definitely talk to your psychiatrist and tell the retreat - being transparent on these things can only help, that way you can exit the fast or accommodate in some way without being disruptive. I also think 24 hours would be fine, my main worry would be sleep honestly. It’s hard for me to sleep while fasting sometimes, and sleep obviously is intimately tied to mental health. I’ve never been on a men’s retreat but know your limits, be firm but gentle with yourself.(I’ve been on meditation retreats that I pushed myself hard on). Also depending on your diagnosis, prepare for some possible intense emotions or weird states. Your health is 100% your responsibility, don’t forget that. Good luck friend


Oh mang, they might be a bit much on your stomach if you’re fasting. Small meals, some fruit. You’ll still get some benefits from eating less. Don’t think the psych will recommend an extended fast but not sure. I wouldn’t recommend benadryl, and melatonin probably won’t make much of a difference.


What is your med schedule? Is it once a day? Are you currently taking everything with food now?

I would skip the 2 to 4 day fasting in the middle of nowhere. I agree with everyone that needs to be supervised till you figure it out.

Go on the trip but do intermittent so you can take your meds in your eating window. I’m sure you won’t be the only person there who needs to eat with their medication.

Good luck.


You have to be extra careful with your hydration with ADHD meds, and fasting can really dehydrate you if you’re not careful. I’m not sure about the other meds.

Can you have some food available just in case?


Not a doctor but take your meds. I fast and take a few meds, Vyvanse, antihistamines, currently on an antibiotic. Only one specifically says to take with food, I asked my doc and they said I only had to worry about it if taking it without food upset my stomach.

Depends on the med though. Like others have said if your doctor is unavailable, your pharmacist should be able to answer that for you.

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Categories: medication to fast 24 hour fast intermittent fasting sleep disorder water fast stomach fruit extended fast 4 day fast intermittent eating window