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Multivitamin on a fast

How many of you here take a multivitamin daily on a fast? Is there much bioavailability at all? Do some multivitamins have better bioavailability on a water fast than others?

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I take 1000mg fish oil, magnesium amino acid chelate, my meds, and I drink snake juice (nacl and kcl.)

No need for micronutrients while water fasting, really, because many of those are only necessary when eating a standard diet.


The first two 3-day fasts I did in 2013 and 2014, I took a multivitamin in the morning with my first drink of water, no big deal. The last one and this one I did not, but I made sure to take multis and any supplements leading up to the fast, and when I broke it. I think you can get away with not taking them if you are doing a short water fast of a few days - particularly if you take care to “load up” beforehand - ideally with nutrient and mineral-rich foods.


Fasting Supplements

I get vitamins from the EAS Shake. See my comment on this post –> I’m so hungry

I also chew 1-2 Flintstones Children’s Chewable for topical (throat) B complex with C and 1/2 of a 500 mg Costco chewable Vitamin C (bite it in half). Reference: The Fat Switch

I usually take 3 Costco Ca, Mg and Zinc pills with Vitamin D3 (like Citracal) when eating regularly, but reduce that to 2 after a few fasting days.

I take 4 200 mg Advil once or twice a day, depending on inflammation (arthritis).

I take 400 mg Magnesium Oxide despite stories that “it is not absorbed.”

I take 1 Complete Multivitamin (like Centrum) for Active Adults 50+ from Walmart.

I take 4 Docusate Sodium, 100mg (Costco) as a stool softener (like Colace).

I take 4 1200 mg max strength Omega 3 (430 mg EPA, 215 mg DHA) on a normal (Omega 6 rich diet) for balance. I reduce this to 2 or 3 per day after the first few days of the fast. Old References: The Omega Rx Zone and Toxic Fat by Barry Sears

I use Trident orange flavored sugar free gum with Xylitol to freshen my mouth and help with keto breath.

I take Allopurinol 300 mg for the hyperuricemia of fasting (requested from my physician.) (Reference: The Fat Switch)

I take 2.5 mg of liquid Melatonin (with ethyl alcohol) to counteract the caffeine from the decaf coffee to help sleep at night.

I take these mostly at night. I have done 3 day, 5 day and one 10 day “only water” fast on this regimen. Don’t recall ever having the “keto flu.”

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Categories: vitamin a fast water fast fish oil magnesium water fasting morning mineral fasting supplements sodium sugar keto alcohol coffee sleep