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Multivitamins Efficiency

Hi All, What does this sub think about the efficiency of Multivitamins (both in a tablet form & dissolvable form)? I have seen various arguments of people and experts claiming they are not effective and majority of it is discarded by your body without being ingested and then there are people that live by them. What has your experience been with them?

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There are medical reasons to take specific vitamins.

Healthy people that eat a nutritious diet probably don’t need supplemental vitamins or minerals.

Here’s some info:

“ In an editorial in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine titled “Enough Is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements,” Johns Hopkins researchers reviewed evidence about supplements, including three very recent studies:

An analysis of research involving 450,000 people, which found that multivitamins did not reduce risk for heart disease or cancer.

A study that tracked the mental functioning and multivitamin use of 5,947 men for 12 years found that multivitamins did not reduce risk for mental declines such as memory loss or slowed-down thinking.

A study of 1,708 heart attack survivors who took a high-dose multivitamin or placebo for up to 55 months. Rates of later heart attacks, heart surgeries and deaths were similar in the two groups. “

John Hopkins Medicine



There’s absolutely extra stuff your body can’t absorb, but it’s not like the don’t do anything. Some vitamins are water soluble, some are fat soluble. So alter when you take it ig, sometimes on an empty stomach, sometimes with meals.


In med school our attending in gastroenterology used to call them bedpan tablets LOL

He suggested to take individual vitamins to address deficiencies.

However, I’ve noticed a huge benefit to taking Garden of Life brand.


I think the B vitamins are noticeable, and people should look first at their electrolytes. Don’t eat a potassium deficient diet, and do supplement magnesium. Vitamin D looks smart. I am uneducated on calcium. If you’re not eating enough fish, you could add cod liver oil. People ‘consider it a food’. (btw, a good, non-synthetics, nutritional yeast is how I get my B vitamins lately). I benefit from alpha-GPC, a high-absorption choline. Choline is in egg yolks and fish.

Mostly I side with the opinion that they are not very useful, and sometimes harmful. For example, they can contain some heavy metals, and the amounts of most of the nutrients are laughable, anyway - and on top of that, they are in the wrong chelates, or just silly ingredients nowadays just because they have novel herbal names.


Depends on the brand. Most supplements in general, but especially Multivitamins suffer from these problems:

But if I had to choose, the Naturelo multivitamins are pretty good.

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