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Muscles gain with fasting

Hi guys, I am 186 cm and 125 kg. I have wide shoulders, hips and overall big joints but I think i have about 40 kg or excess fat wich i believe is going well away with fasting.

Anyway my question is if you are on omad and in that meal u eqt 1500 kcal, can you gain muscles and be like buffed? I dont mean skinny but a muscular fit guy? Almost Every time i see a transformation i see very skinny ppl with almost no muscles.

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Definitely. Check out this guy who posted the other day (u/fortheswarmbruv)

It’s all about timing and eating quality foods. Eat your proteins. Break your fast after your workout. Definitely possible. Also requires some hard work obviously and results won’t happen overnight like they might for people eating all day and night while training (but way healthier this way).


As long as you’re getting enough protein and your deficit isn’t too aggressive, yes. Especially at the start where the body will be willing to put on some initial muscle almost regardless of circumstances.

Eventually it does become a bit of an either or situation, where you surplus to create a more efficient environment to build muscle tissue and then deficit away the fat.


It’s very hard to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. Most people first get down to a healthy body fat level. And then gain muscle.

Unless you have a lot of muscle underneath the fat it’s hard to transition from overweight to shredded (or just even muscular and trim).

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Categories: muscle omad intermittent deficit body fat overweight