| | Water Fasting

Mustard/hot sauce/anything zero calorie also caffeine(bang energy 0 calorie)

I am able to stay fasted for the “24 hour” period. Knowing full well it isn’t a true 24 hour fast. I just eat dinner and skip breakfast and lunch.

Caffeine is something I worry about though. I stopped drinking coffee but I do have a bang energy drink in the morning. Should I stop drinking these because of the caffeine?

As far as the hot sauce and mustard question goes, I haven’t been using it and just simply not eating anything all day. Will zero calorie mustard/hot sauce break my fast?

My dinner is usually a steak or ribs with a salad with low carb dressing. I am doing keto at the same time and try to stay under 10-11 grams of carbs per day.

I was 189 and had a cheat day this weekend and went from 189 to 192 the day before yesterday. Yesterday I fasted “24 hours” but also went to the gym and did cardio as well as 20 minutes in the sauna. Luckily this morning I was all the way back to 189 within a day.

Mainly just looking for fasting advice. I am part of the keto subreddit so I get my keto advice from their but figured since I am fasting as well I should come here. Thanks for any info.

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Are you planning on just eating spoonfuls of mustard and hot sauce? If it helps you stay fasting, go for it. Whatever works for you. But I personally tend to default to the adage “if it has taste, avoid it”. But there is no hard rule here - IF is flexible and all depends on your own goals.

Caffeine is perfectly fine to drink as long as you’re not caffeine intolerant. Coffee has actually been proven to be really good for you. I would skip on the Bang though - I’ve seen links to health risks drinking it and it has sucralose in it which studies have shown to increase insulin and glucose levels. If you’re fasting for hormonal control and weight loss, coffee is a much safer bet.

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