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My body is a vehicle. Food is gasoline.

I’m trying to shift my perspective of food to a similar perspective toward gasoline in my vehicle. Not some sort of compulsive addiction. No one goes and tops off their gas tank when it’s a single bar under full, just for the fuck of it. Similarly i don’t want to eat just for the fuck of it anymore. I’m trying to see my body as a vehicle, and food as gasoline. Something i need to function, not something i want to compulsively consume for its own sake. And im trying to look at my body fat as a bunch of gas cans im driving around with for no good reason. Why stop and get more gas at the gas station when my entire back seat and trunk are loaded down with gas cans? And driving around with all of those cans in the vehicle is weighing it down, reducing efficiency.

99% of the time my coworkers are talking about food. I neither realized or cared until i started making fasting a regular practice. I wish eating was as displeasurable as paying for gas at the pump. Maybe it would be easier to have a healthy relationship with food if so.

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This analogy is truly hilarious the more you consider it. Imagining everyone sitting around talking about how they need them stock up on gas, when they are buried in full barrels, and surrounded by full cans, and the gas is literally coming out of their pores! 😂


Love this analogy. Im trying to calculate how many gas cans people carry around. If a tank of gas is 1 day fuel, that’s 1/2 lb of body fat.

If a good weight for you is 170 lbs, and you are 270 lbs, you are carrying around 200 gas cans.

Dat’s a lotta gas (petrol). 😂


thats 💯. food is str8 fuel. gotta skip a meal? no biggie. youre an hour later to dinner? cool, dont stress. fasting helped me shift so that eating out of compulsion, or habit/culture, or in response to things stopped. hangry isnt a thing for me.

im mostly just amused when people behave poorly or rudely and blame it on the fact they havent had lunch yet when i watched them pound a 3 egg omelette with feta cheese 3 hours ago.

conversely, because i do omad, i actually think about and very much look forward to my meal. its a fun reward system now. what goodies and nutrients will i be smashing today??


Ha! Gold!I like to think of my body as a house… I keep my kitchen pantry constantly replenished with food - I replenish my pantry three times a day, all the while I have a huge cold store room 100m away outside (in my imagination it’s through snow and stuff). When I fast I tell myself -“ That’s right bitch, nothing in the pantry! Off through the snow and down into the cold store you go and feed on all that food you’ve stored!”Nice to know others have ways of visualising their efforts :)


My goal is to not think of food as merely fuel, because it is much more. You can experience a lot of joy eating food that you might miss. Food can also be a wonderful social experience.

I knew a lady who did body building competitions as a hobby. She would take clients out for lunch a lot.for her day job. Her motto was to make every meal count—don’t waste it on terrible food.

Personally, I want to be able to not have a compulsion to eat; to be able to actually slow down and enjoy it; and then stop before I feel terrible and look like a ravenous glutton. That’s difficult.

I’ve learned a lot about hunger in fasting and what is really needed.

>I wish eating was as displeasurable as paying for gas at the pump. Maybe it would be easier to have a healthy relationship with food if so.

To some degree, I hear you. But, I really do value a wonderful meal. I hope to eventually have a mindful and healthy relationship with food. Though, utter disgust would certainly make it easier to not overindulge.


It might be a useful analogy to you, and I don’t know your exact situation but I would offer a general caution about distancing and abstracting yourself from the process of eating too much in your head. I think this is the sort of thing that can be the start of disordered eating.

It’s completely normal for people to talk about food, it’s a necessary biological process that keeps us alive, has a large social component and is one of life’s great pleasures, of course people are going to talk about it often. Fasting is a useful tool for weight loss and longevity but that’s all it is at the end of the day, it’s just a tool.


Love this analogy, I think it’s totally accurate!

One thing to consider, however, my car is a bit older and the engine isn’t too impressive. When I get to below a half a tank of gas, I notice the acceleration slows, the RPM increases, and it generally whines more when I need it to go. All this to say, you don’t need to be on E to fuel up. My car can always make it to E, and then some, but sometimes topping yourself off is the kick you need to make it up a particularly steep hill.


That being said, the joy of family and friends around a table enjoying some wonderful food and dare I say a drink is hard to beat. Christmas Day, Thanksgiving, Birthdays etc are some of the best memories and most fun I’ve had. It’s just a matter of of moderation in my case.


Yea this is pretty much the way I aim to eat now. I plan my meals a week in advance and ensure each day that my hitting all my macro and micronutrients.

High protein, high volume, high fibre so I don’t get the craving induced emptiness.

But yes I eat for fuel. Though I don’t understand when bodybuilders say that then turn and make boiled chicken, plain broccoli and plain rice with some hot sauce. I know why they do but you can at least make the food taste good at the same time


TL didn’t read, but if I got the jist you should put thisjj by into diffusion or one of those AI art things(WallE?)

Like “fat people made of gas tanks being gluttons at the gas station”

I don’t know what I’m saying

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