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My body is improved WITHOUT food. What the hell do I do?


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You may want to pick a book or two on the subject. I like The Complete Guide to Fasting by Dr. Fung. It will provide you with a strong background on the science and protocols of fasting.

For instance; fasting will not lower your immune system and in fact it will strengthen it. They are currently running studies with chemotherapy patients where they are finding that is good for them to fast while getting chemotherapy for the immune system boost.

If you are fasting for health issues, it is actually desirable to engage in longer fasts as they are more beneficial in fixing a host of conditions. Me, I’m working on improving health markers and have the fat to spare so I’m doing 4 day fasts every week.

Pick up the books and in the mean time look up Dr. Fung videos on YouTube.


Awesome replies guys! Thank you very much:)

As I said, I prefer carbs. I wouldn’t be able to sustain the paleo due to my rigidity in diet. However, I am aware of the potential health hazards in certain carbs such as oxalates and lectins etc. potatoes and rice are my main carbs, but I’ve literally cut out pepper, root veggies, stems, leafs etc.

My diet consists of beef, pork, rice, potatoes and the occasional baked bean lol. I’ll eat fruit (organic) and supplement VIT D3, micronutrients and VIT C powder. I also take hempseed oil, but I’ll be changing my omega sources due to hemp being a seed.


Have you tried an autoimmune diet? Some things you might look into, Wahls Protocol, AIP — thepaleomom.com is a good resource for this, some people give up on plants completely and eat carnivore, specifically just beef/lamb and salt.


Sadhguru on YouTube speaks highly of fasting and extended fasting, there’s another channel A Healthy Alternative they speak on 72 hour 14 day water fasting, 21 day fasting…. I’m still in research mode and have been listening to these two channels. Alkaline diet look that up also…. strength to you in your journey.


You might want to look into zero carb / carnivore. They are strict keto but super easy since all you eat is steak or hamburger. It cleared up some odd pains I had and a few other small issues. The carnivore and zerocarb reddits have many success stories for RA and other conditions. If anything you can use these diets to find out what might be affecting you if you go to just pure red meat for a few weeks. Then you can try adding in single foods to see if there is something common there.


Wow I’m learning about chronic fatigue syndrome in school. It’s is a tough disease to have.

I’m not a dietician or a doctor but I think A standard diet that would keep you blood sugar regulated would be best. Constant energy is hard to come by with cfs, so I would think keeping nutrition stable with regular intake would be ideal.

Are you exercising by the way?


Reminds me of Mikhaila Peterson’s health issues which were resolved with the “Lion Diet.” Meat only, but need to be careful and not have corn fed beef for example. I don’t know if you have to go that far, but it’s worth experimenting and adding in certain food. Separately, for example, I think I read that nightshades can be inflammatory for RA. Best of luck!


Plenty of cultures don’t eat everyday. Maybe talk to your doctor about an elimination diet. What does eating healthy mean to you? Dr. Gundry has a book about seemingly healthy foods that can cause severe inflammation like peppers, green beans, bananas, and some oils.


I thought this study (on mice) was really interesting: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4899145/ They basically put them on cycles of a fasting mimicking diet (very low calorie, very low protein) for 3 days every 7 days for one month, “reduced clinical severity in all mice, and completely reversed symptoms in 20% of the animals.”

I thought I also read a case study where some people with autoimmune diseases were experimenting with 5 days of a fasting mimicking diet once a month for a few months, and it greatly improved their symptoms, but I could be misremembering and can’t find the study.


There have been studies suggesting that when people die of starvation they get a slight euphoria. Maybe a defense mechanism by the body? Either way be careful!

Also consider what foods you are eating. Message me if you’d like to discuss your diet.

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Categories: to fast fung protocol studies fasting for health 4 day fast carbs beef pork fruit oil extended fasting 14 day water fast 21 day fast zero carb keto tea pain meat blood sugar energy nutrition corn a fast