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My bulimic friend wants to dry fast

She’s already dehydrated, shes planning on not swallowing her spit so she can lose more water weight, shes gonna wear plastic bags to sweat more while covering herself in blankets most of the day. And the craziest idea of all shes planning on vomiting her stomach acid to “increase fluid loss” and if she pukes blood (which happens almost everyday) she wants to keep going as much as she can.

Can someone knock sense into her? she thinks because theres people that dry fasted for more than a week then her body can take a week of this but I don’t think she can shes gonna end up in a hospital

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You don’t want to sweat when dryfasting, when your not drink water your sodium and potassium levels almost keep balance, if you going to hot box yourself, you’ll do nothing but lose sodium, might put her in hospital to get dripped.


She has an eating disorder and that is not a healthy mindstate to fast. Of course she’s likely to deny this, but her sole focus is clearly on losing weight with extreme methods. Vomiting her stomach acid is the worst idea of all and I hope that she does not die because that just may be the cause of it. Dry fasting isn’t a joke or something to take lightly. Bulimia already puts so much stress on the heart and vomiting during a DRY FAST (which also stresses the heart) is a great recipe to end up in the hospital. She’s being a real fool. Just because other people have done “this or that” doesn’t mean every body can do the same. Especially when you don’t even have a healthy relationship with food and your body (bulimia)

I hope she doesn’t follow through with it. People have died from dry fasting before from reckless and foolish things like this, and I wouldn’t want her to lose her life as well


Let her know that she’s bulimic because she’s lacking serotonin - the mood stabilizer. Her doctor can prescribe medication - usually Fluoxetine - that will regulate her mood and most likely put an end to bulimia. Also to do some research on SSRI’s. It could take 4-6 weeks for the medication to kick in but most feel the change straight away. Results are around 83% positive. Also tell her to look into the neurobiology of bulimia - otherwise she’ll never understand why she’s bulimic. Nothing will help her unless she gets her eating disorder under control. It has nothing to do with dry fasting. As soon as she stops dry fasting she will throw up her food* again.. good luck

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