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my co-worker is recommending an all meat diet to another co-worker with an autoimmune disease


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The only practical application of this diet is in its temporary elimination of everything else which then can be used to assess which foods are problematic as you incorporate them back in. As other stated, this is a ridiculous diet to endure long term


No major health organization advises anyone to consume only meat for any disease, condition, or reason.

Even the doc who called himself “carnivore md” STOPPED the carnivore diet because he couldn’t sustain it and now eats a variety of fruit lmao.

An elimination diet does not have to be only meat. The low FODMAP diet was specifically designed as an elimination diet to help people identify trigger foods.


It’s quite simply an eating plan that eliminates any potential foods that cause inflammation. They could try eating meat, leafy greens and fruit. Leafy greens help a great deal with the digestive process of meat.


I think the idea is that meat doesn’t trigger their symptoms. Most people slowly add food back in to see what causes problems. Beef and water is not a long term thing for most people. But a good starting point.


I’d look into Shawn Baker more so than the Petersons. Why? with Jordan specifically saying that you shouldn’t take what he says as advice and Mikhaila is competent but it’s more into specifics of her own style. Also, the Petersons have a very extreme sense of Autoimmune issues, which I’ve seen people in my life with equally as bad and it ain’t remotely pretty. They’re pretty much in hell.

Shawn Baker is more into the specific research into the diet. I couldn’t give 2 shits if it’s promoted by the health care system (since their guidelines are already not working clearly by the skyrocketing rate of obesity and core morbidity). There does seem to be valid claims that it can help with Autoimmune issues, with thousands and thousands of people getting better.

I myself don’t follow an all meat diet but some points from people like him and others like him (Stan Efferding, Dr Dincalantonio, High Intensity Health who I personally follow closer to as they’re more sustainable to the average person and to milder Autoimmunity) thesd always seem to be more helpful than popping pills and seeing 0 improvement in life.

So, like any diet, everyone should be free to experiment and see how they feel. It doesn’t matter how you feel or what the guidelines of your say (which clearly aren’t working to improve health).


Even when they talk about their diet they say they are not medical experts and this is just their experience. Michaela promotes it more because she would like to see the medical experts study it but in the talks I’ve seen she tries to limit it to this was my experience/experience of people I know.

Elimination diet in general can help people with different issues but you don’t need to assume it’s carnivore only that you need to stick to. Low FODMAP can work for a lot of people too. Keep a journal of what foods you eat and how you feel and see what works for you.


Anecdotally it has helped me with depression, energy and fat loss (though I’ve only done it in short bursts).

The only reason I don’t do it permanently is I LOVE fruits and junk food. I like certain veggies but can go without for weeks without any problems.


I’ve done every diet and have always ate as health as possible. For ten years I’ve been eating grass fed meat, wild caught seafood, vegetables and fruits without processed foods. I’ve done keto, vegan, you name it… while I was vegan for three months was the only time I had a blood test with a marker not in the reference range.

I have been carnivore for two and a half years and have had perfect blood tests every time I’ve taken one. HDL and triglyceride numbers so good my doctor asked what I was doing. I have a six pack and am a health body weight with a ton of muscle (also played uni football though). I also have autoimmune disease and this is the only thing that keeps my symptoms at bay. Even a squeeze of lemon will stuff me up for the day.

Basically what I’m saying is it sounds insane because the MSM doesn’t endorse it. There are no studies because it’s an old concept that just started gaining traction and there are thousands upon thousands of anecdotes. Harvard even did a study which showed great results. And eating this way is the most nutritious way of eating and miles better than SAD, vegan or vegetarian.

People like me react to almost everything except beef. There is a level of bio individuality to diets and this is an example here.


It’s REALLY SCARY how quickly uneducated people can get sucked into certain tribal approaches to health and nutrition, and how easily from there they make the cognitive leap to “this works for me (shut up, it works, I swear, the guy on Tok Tok said so), so it’s the way everyone should do things (shut up, I don’t care that you’re vegetarian for cultural reasons).”

Nutrition is perhaps the most individualized thing short of pathology that we can encounter. No one has any business telling another person “this will work for you. No, really, it will. Never mind that I have none of your medical history or your bloodwork or your individual preferences or your dietary history or restrictions at my disposal… just trust me brah. It’s the way to go.”

The closest I’ll get is “here’s something that worked for me, and here’s why I tried it and like it, and it sounds like my reasons for doing this are sort of parallel to what you’re experiencing, so if you feel like it’s appropriate, and it won’t cause adverse medical outcomes, then maybe try it.”


People saying doctors wouldn’t recommend it are ignoring the fact that the medical community does not know many things, and there is far from a consensus amongst each individual. I’m not saying the carnivore diet is or isn’t helpful, but the reality is there are so many things that aren’t known the comments claiming to know certain things are ridiculous. Look at how often the prevailing wisdom on eggs and cholesterol has changed over the years.


There’s a very interesting topic about this that maybe the reason that carnivore or keto seem to do great things for people, especially those with autoimmune disorders, is actually the fasting that’s inherently involved. Protein makes you more satiety and you eat less, plus, these diets aren’t the grab and go type, so you are fuller when you do eat and you consume less calories. When your body is fasting, it will begin to discard the cells that are causing the autoimmune responses, almost like a cleansing!


I’ve heard of people reversing diabetes diagnoses, having previous positive cancer tests come back later as negative, and even reversal of Lyme disease after switching to a carnivore diet. Thats only hunter and gather style food that our ancestors ate, and cutting out ALL sugars, even fruit.

The theory is sugars cause most ailements we see in a modern diet, as well as fuel disease. Cut the carbs/sugar and you cut off the fuel supply for these diseases such as cancer.

Is there science to back any of this up, or is it proven? Not sure to be honest…. I’d say my facts are pretty anecdotal. However I’d say eating as our ancestors did (meat, nuts, seeds, a few vegetables and nothing else) definitely wouldn’t be a bad thing.


I think that’s a fantastic way to get scurvy. I actually think lean red meat in moderation is healthy and necessary (based off personal experience and what I know about micros), but a varied, balanced diet is vital.


> The low incidence of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders such as psoriasis, asthma, and Type 1 diabetes and the complete absence of multiple sclerosis has been observed and studied in the Inuit population in Greenland.Brzezinski, A. “Review.” Gastroenterol Hepatol 3, no. 10 (2007): 787–88. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3104160/.




Doesn’t this entire post completely 100% entirely fall under rule number 2?


> dear r/nutrition please mock this overheard diet recommendation…


>2) No dietary activism for or against any diet

He suggested it to help. They can try it and see if it works. Having never tried an all meat diet the only supplement I can for sure suggest is a fiber supplement such as metamucil or benefiber. The green drinks could potentially have a positive effect as well. But I cannot speak to if the green drink defeat the desired anti-inflammatory purpose of the diet? Definitely worth testing as an add in because it should greatly improve digestion.

I will say that carbs are very inflammatory for me and my immune system does better without carbs. So I can see this diet having the desired effect just by being protien/fat based.

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