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My first extended fast starts today!

Hey everyone, I’m posting this for some accountability and support! I’m starting my first extended fast today(01/02/2023). I didn’t start on the first because we had plans with my mom and she was cooking some of that good mamma yum yum so I couldn’t just not eat. But today is the day and I’m excited!

I will be shooting for 7 days… if I’m still feeling good after 7 then I will try to extend it but I’m okay with just that! The original plan was going to be 21 but I was fearful of trying too much and feeling let down if I didn’t succeed at that, so I lowered the bar since it’s my first time.

After reading comments on this subreddit, I ordered some fasting salt pills and I’m ready to go. I drink a lot of black coffee already so I’m interested to see how that will affect my fast and my hunger levels.

My goals for this fast are 3 things:

  1. To lose weight. I’m currently 6ft 0in and weigh about 336.2lbs. I have been doing calorie deficit diet since about August but fell off for the holidays. After the fast I will be strict on that diet again.

  2. To clean out my whole bodily system. I’m a notoriously bad and over eater, and I know my body is full of a bunch of hoopla right now so I’m excited to let my gut wipe itself clean.

  3. Prayer and meditation. I’m going to use this time and mental clarity to focus on and spend time with God. Bad food and first world distractions always get me so caught up in the day to day and I lose touch with my spiritual side. I’m very excited to pray and meditate over my relationship with God and this coming year and general.

Thank you everyone! I’ll try to post updates here daily to keep myself accountable. Please if you have any tips or questions, let me know! I’m still very new to this. Cheers!

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It’s mind over matter, you can do it.

This will be very hard if you haven’t been fasting at all. If you make it to day 3 with zero calories the hunger goes down quite a bit.

You can do it

Fasting is much better for you than calorie restriction.


Best of luck to you! I started last night at 7pm! We got this I’m only gonna do 48 hours this time and eat one meal then do another 48 hour fast and continue that cycle for awhile and see how that goes for me


I’m beginning a fast today as well. 5 days is my goal. I had dinner at my grandmas last night! First 3-4 days are going to be painful and mentally draining. Tips. Hit the gym. Prioritize sleep. Remember your goals.

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