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My New Years Resolution in order to get lean by the summer

1.) Only eat real food. No desserts, no chips/Mcdonalds.

2.) No Alcohol

3.) Incline treadmill for 30 min a day if sedentary

4.) Consistent lifting schedule of 6 times a week.

Current weight: upper 170’s Goal Weight: 160

Starting today. Who wants to join me? I have been pretty good about sticking to OMAD for the last 2 years (started at over 250 lbs, height 5’11.5). But need to finish the job…

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You got this! I bet you’ll hit your goal before summer.

Just as unsolicited advice: my results sped up dramatically once I started lifting heavy af. & I mean like “I can barely do this 9th rep” heavy


All of this will get you to your goal. My only suggestion to add is elimination of sugar and processed foods. Sounds like you are doing great already though and wish you huge success in the new year


I think those are all good ideas. I don’t want you to do the standard “I’m going to start all of this at full throttle from January 1! LETS GOOO!!!!” And then flame out in a few weeks.

If this is close to what you are already doing then fine. But if these represent big changes then ease into them.

Example - if you want to cut out booze entirely but are currently consuming 3 drinks a night, then slowly cut back on it. Cut out one drink a night every few weeks, and in a month you will get there.

Another thing that could help, is the difference between goals and commitments. Make it your goal to do 30 minutes or working out everyday, but your commitment is to get on the treadmill for a few minutes everyday. If you go for 5 minutes, you did your commitment. If you only did 5 minutes, you did your commitment and don’t have to feel bad about not doing 30. If you do 30 or more, then you feel awesome for hitting your goal.


I’ll join you! I like the intentions you’re setting above! I’ve been slowly preparing myself for this in the lead up to the new year, past month have been doing 1 & 2. I’m shitty at exercising, I feel so sluggish & heavy it’s hard to find the motivation. Good on you with what you’ve shared above! Good luck to everyone!


I lost over 100 lbs in 3.5 months last year as new year resolution….this year I plan on cutting down on my dating. I definitely got alot of female attention this year and lost myself a bit. Maybe I’ll start taking daily vitamins and less viagra.


I had several glasses of punch last night. Not as a “treat” to myself but they just happened to serve some and I was curious of what their recipe tasted like.

Alcohol has never been something I had to actively cut out from my life. This year I had alcohol for 4/365 days. 2 of which I had to taste it incorporating beer into a stew, the 2 other days was post-Christmas and last night’s punch….


I’ll be doing the same thing without lifting. Although I did buy some kettlebells which I will use a bit. Starting from upper 180s, same target weight / build.

I’ve been doing the same thing for a few months with moderate cheating on the diet. Gonna cut out the cheating now because I can without feeling too bad. This post is helpful…I was tempted to get a pizza today…


Will give you a couple hacks if it’s helpful:

  1. this is where I fail the most, but I’ve seen tremendous cuts when the only chips I have are popcorner flex / quest / kibo (essentially high protein low carb low fat). It really does scratch the itch. Protein powder is also a godsend, particularly iso100 for zero carb zero fat.

  2. sub out incline treadmill with stairmaster; infinitely more cals burned & benefit of working legs more. My off days always include 30mins stairs. Full cardio days 60mins.

Also, goes without saying, but deficit! Don’t use your tracked calories inclusive of exercise; calc tdee and take off 300-500 cals.


I’m in for 2023! Currently 5’11ft 193lbs on a 16:8 here. Because it’s winter I’m on a higher than normal simple carb count (pasta/bread), the goal being to hit higher 1-5 rep numbers currently in the Bench 260lbs for 2 reps, Squat 65lbs for 5 (bc 9f 5x5 program which started with the 45lb bar this month in December and increasing it 5lbs every workout, next workout I’ll be at 70lbs, lol), Weighted Pull Ups 90lbs for 5 reps, Dips 100lbs for 5 reps, and Deadlift 405lbs for 2 reps. Because I’m on a high intensity phase for 1/2 a month, I need 48hrs to recover and another 24-36 hours for muscle growth and development. Total of 72-84hrs between workouts. This is bc my Central Nervous System will burn out as indicated by the feeling of not wanting to go to the gym and feeling fatigued and drained. So to keep continuing to do this, I have to obviously have to split my workouts: Legs then 72-84hrs rest. Back and biceps 72-84hrs rest. Chest and triceps etc. I do that for 1/2 a month or so but have to lower the weight to moderately heavy for the last half of the month so I don’t run the risk of getting sick with a cold or flu due to excessive burnout by going 90%-100% effort every time. It’s very sympathetic nervous system driven and requires controlled focus, hyperactivity, and technique to get it done. Meaning, I’ve got my hoodie up with toilet plunger headphones 🎧 and a mean mug on my face not chatting with anyone just to get through that day’s workout. Going hard like this effects me energetically too meaning I notice I can be inwardly grumpy the next day while feeling extremely exhausted and sore. Diet wise I have pretty much the same routine. Start fasting at sundown (5pmish). Wake up and have 2 cups black coffee at 5amish and head to the gym. Workout for 1.5hrs. and usually don’t eat until approximately 12p-2p whenever I feel hungry. There are times though where I break my fast on purpose during a intense workout in order to force/drive nutrients directly into the cells by eating gummy bears halfway through for the insulin spike to increase muscle size/volume. Obviously, I don’t go crazy with the bears -just a small kids pack I get from Costco.

During the off days of the intense workout 72h-84hrs, I will do one of the following: Go surfing, body surf, light lap swimming, walk for 30mins to an hour, sit in a jacuzzi, sauna, and/or nothing at all….- listening to an audiobook, comedy, educational podcast or such in order to take advantage of relaxation, rejuvenation, and recovery techniques accessing the parasympathetic nervous system. It is here where I can chit chat, laugh a little, relax, and not take things so seriously

As summer approaches, I always move towards a 18:6, 20:4, go keto (for the quickest way to shed weight and lean out), or very low complex carbs (to gradually downshift the lbs) and my workouts aren’t super high intensity but more moderately intense at approximately 3 times per week. I reduce the weights but the only rest between sets I get is is adding plates, which is always less than a minute; which I do for natural human growth hormone percentage increases. The time in the ocean greatly increases and often times happens on the same day as the workout. Doing this, my weight hangs down comfortably somewhere between 178lbs and 183lbs. This is only because being heavy in the Pacific Ocean is not a good thing and much more enjoyable (and safe) being able to swim, float atop the ocean, maneuver, catch waves, make sections, and the most important thing, paddling around.

Of everything I mentioned, I’ve discovered (and in my opinion) that good quality sleep comes first🥇. Second 🥈 is diet as it’s definitely a type of software program determined by what a person chooses to put in their mouth. Also tied for second🥈 is fasting, especially if a person is able to hit the 14th-20th hour(s) to activate autophagy and natural human growth hormone secretion. Third 🥉 is quality and consistent exercise doesn’t mean lifting weights but doing any type of enjoyable exercise (hiking, rowing, walking, etc) will get the job moving in a positive direction, but I do believe that lifting weights is the fastest way to literally create, shape, and mold a person’s body and body parts -according to their will and persistent desire/discipline 🙂

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