| | Water Fasting

My progress so far since Christmas after three longish fasts

A couple people may have seen my post right around New Years where I completed my first extended fast of about 5 days. I started it the day after Christmas, because I felt disgusted with my weight, and the way I felt after the holidays.

I started at 346 pounds, as a 5’11” 30 year old male. After my 5 day fast, I did a 9 day fast in early January, two 44 hour fasts, and just finished another 5 day fast a few days ago. I’ve also adopted a 20:4 IF schedule for nonfasting days. I love the way I feel when fasting, and it’s to the point where I don’t really feel hunger anymore, despite being the cook for my family.

Fast forward to today, and I’ve been able to get myself down to 314 pounds, for a loss of 32 pounds in just over a month. I feel better than I’ve felt in a few years, and have started lifting again. I’m starting a fast tomorrow that I’m aiming for a week on, but will adjust depending on how I feel.

For anyone in my shoes, trust me that it gets much easier, and that it will be the best thing you’ve ever done for your health. I recommend reading Dr. Fungs books, especially the obesity code, and the complete guide to fasting for a good starting point and knowledge base.

I took before pictures like this sub recommended, but I’ll wait to post some when I feel a little more confident in my own skin, hopefully in another month or two. My goal of hitting 300 by my birthday in April seems like an easy one now!

Thanks to everyone in this sub, you’ve been a supportive group!

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Impressive work, Dam! We’re practically fasting doppelgangers. I DM-ed you my specifics. Cheers and thanks for sharing this. It’s good to know I’m not alone in thinking this is really going to work.

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Categories: extended fast holidays 5 day fast a fast fung obesity to fast