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My sister will only boil meat to prevent carcinogens from forming. Anyone else know about this?

“Eating boiled meat—not broiled, but boiled in water—is probably the safest. Studies show if you eat meat that never goes above 212 degrees Fahrenheit, both your urine and feces damage DNA significantly less than if you eat meat dry cooked at higher temperatures.  A similar study where they compared the excretion of carcinogens formed in processed meats can be found in Prevention Is Better Than Cured Meat.” I feel stupid that I didn’t know this. I also just learned that drinking 2 carbonated sparkling waters a day was not doing the enamel on my teeth any favors for the past 11 years. :(


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If you’re eating store bought processed meat, that’s the issue not the pan cooking or roasting.

This is a pretty dumb way to live too. The carcinogen potential of actual meat is low, you only really increase it by over cooking it. Not to mention it’s a waste of energy in boiling?

MANY foods are contain carcinogens and plants contain Anti-nutrients. But unsurprisingly if your diet is wholes foods, balance of animal and plant nutrition there is 0 concern for cancer from your diet.


First, there is currently no evidence in humans on the impact of fried or cured meat. The studies done on this topic are done on animals. But us and our ancestors ate cooked meet for millions of years and no other animal has done that. So I don’t think animal models are valid here.

Secondly the increased risk by frying meat is very little. I‘d rather take the risk then only eat cooked meat for the rest of my life.


There are more AGEs (advanced glycation end products) that can form with dry cooking methods compared to moist cooking methods. AGEs can increase inflammation and lead to cancer. If you eat a diet that is mostly plant based you can lower your exposure to them.

Edit: Not sure why this is downvoted? Google scholar search it and you will see there is plenty of research showing this is correct….




people arent gonna want to admit to the science you are posting. a person will need to have a close family member or friend get cancer before the fear of cancer really hits home. even if the risk is timed by 5, there wont be enough cases to affect the lives of most people and when someone close gets cancer people can say “they were old”, “they didnt even enough wholefoods”, “they were fat” or even “they were overcooking their meat”. until then, people will just do what people do. everyone eats. around 3 times a day, everyday. its a basic element of life and eating is the centre of a lot of social events. people wont wanna change unless something smacks them in the face personally.


I boil ground beef now because it makes the perfect crumbled beef consistency for tacos! But beyond that I wouldn’t worry about this too much unless you’re burning the ever living crap out of your food.

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