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My SO wants to travel and I'm so out of shape

This weekend my SO asked when my passport expires. I said in 2028. He wants to start traveling. I’m retired, aged 59, and he retired Jan 1st this year at age 62. He wants to see how his taxes go, see if his withholding has been correct on pension and SS, before he starts spending money. In January 2023 I can start withdrawing from my IRA too.

I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT! I need to get in shape for potentially walking a lot. He first wants to go to Switzerland and France. I would love to see the museums. I have absolutely no energy, constant fatigue. I had my doctor check thyroid function because of fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, essentially all the signs of hypothyroidism. The optimal range is 0.4 to 2.5. Mine is 6.+ and he says that they don’t usually treat it until it’s at 12!!

I did a deep DNA analysis with Promthease and I have a couple of genetic markers for hypothyroidism. I emailed those parts to my doctor and he replied with, “What is this?” I got the impression that he really wanted to say, “What is this shit?” I don’t think doctors appreciate when patients do any type of research on their own health.

Anyway…. I don’t know how to get motivated, get over the fatigue, or if IF will help me.

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I am 57. I have lost about 55lbs this year. 40lbs of it in the last 4 months when I started IF. Started 18-6 then OMAD for a couple months them TMOD or OMAD depending on the day. I do not eat after 5 PM but I usually stop around 2 PM. I have been overweight for the last 35+ years except for a couple times when I pratically lived in a gym. This has been pretty easy, wish I did it years ago. Low carb high fat and protein, no processed foods cut out sweets, beer, etc. Sure I feel hunger at times but it passes-

If I can do it, you can too. Enjoy your retirement, that’s what you worked all your life for.


I might be wrong but by the sound of your post… I’m not sure YOU want to travel as well. You don’t sound too enthusiastic… but if I’m wrong… then losing weight and gaining energy will be easier. You need to want it to make it, sort of, easier, if that makes sense.
IF can help but not without your own input/willpower…
Message me if you want some ebooks, I have lots on the subject.


You can always talk to another dr about getting treatment, but dont think thyroid treatment is necessarily going to be a silver bullet.

Clearly you want to be lighter, but the question you need to ask is: do you want to permanently live the lifestyle that will result in you being lighter? You dont need to lose weight to walk a lot, you probably need to walk a lot to lose weight. Part of your low energy could be due to inflammation and IF + exercise + healthier foods could all help some with that.

You probably already know how to lose weight: move more and eat less, but here is a list of things you can do that may help, feel free to adopt 1 or 2 of these at a time or ramp up to any one of them over time. 1-2 cheat meals a week is fine as you dont need to be 100% to have success.

Do a TDEE calculation for yourself and subtract 300-500 calories to the daily amount, cut out sugars and processed foods (including bread / flours, etc), cut out alcohol and other liquid calories, cutout artificial sweeteners, add fasting (16:8 is a good place to start or even 14:10), eat 2 servings of green vegetables at every meal , walk at least 10k steps a day (maybe 15-20k, take 4-5 walks if you need to), get other exercise at least 3-4 times a week (swimming, biking, zone 2 cardio, weight lifting, yoga, etc, just make sure to not go too hard too fast).

Check your weight regularly and if after 1-2 months of work you arent losing weight, reduce daily calorie intake by another 250 calories, or walk an extra 5000 steps per day (or some combination).

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