How do you get back on track after you fell off your fasting schedule? My car broke down last week and being home all day long for a week threw me off and I screwed up my fasting schedule and now I’m hungry all the time and can’t seem to make it past 10-12 hours. I want to get back to 16/8 as least painfully as possible! Any tips or advice would be appreciated!
When I start fasting after a break(usually a trip) I start with 16-8 but allow myself pretty much anything in the window. Fast food, carbs whatever for 2 or 3 days, then I clean up my diet. Makes it painless.
a hard day off of carbs, like absolutely no carbs no matter how hungry you get. That’s what always trips me up, carbs.
So no bread and no pasta and no chips, but also no potatoes and no corn.
So when you’re hungry, protein and healthy fat. Then, when you know you’re full, watch how fast that carb hunger sneaks up on you during that day and identify that feeling as a beg more than a need.