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Need advice new to fasting

Hello I’m doing the 16-8 fast. Every time im going through the week I give in and eat food during my fast periods. What are some methods you use in order to get through the rough periods. I just need to get into a good rhythm and I’m set.

Plus I workout a lot that’s probably why I lose my fast because my body needs more energy after my workout.

Thank you for any advice!

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We all learn with fasting that we don’t really feel hungry but instead we feel the NEED to eat, as in a enforced habit.

Breaking a habit it is really hard, but a good advice is to try and substitute it with something else that will also give you pleasure (like a good time with tea instead of food)… what really works for me is changing my surroundings, i get really hungry and focused on food a lot if i am at home, but if i go out, the cravings stops! BUT the best advice is persistence! Keep trying and trying, and focusing on what you want, and you subconscious will catch up and you will have more will power!

Now, working out has nothing to do with feeling hunger or the need to eat, it is a thought reinforced habit, we all think that if we don’t eat as soon as possible after working out, we will be doing bad for our bodies, and that belief triggers hunger! But you can stay long periods of time without eating, even while working out, and you won’t hurt your growth progress.

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