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Need advice on Rolling 72s

I was hoping to receive some advice on how to get started on rolling fasts, more specifically, the 72-hour one. My primary goal is to lose weight and minimize loose skin, but I don’t have any experience with fasting aside from a couple of juice fasts I did a couple of years back (which I did with the wrong mindset.) I now feel inspired to begin fasting and attain all the health benefits from it, but I don’t know where to start. Edit: I am currently doing 16:8 intermittent fasting. Been doing so for a month. I plan to transition into the fast.

My Plan:

Day 1-2: No processed food, just whole, homemade, nutrient-rich foods. Drinking lots of water.

Day 3-4: Fruit “Fasting” and consuming fruits with high water content to help hydrate.

Day 5-6: Switch over to homemade juices from veggies and fruits.

Day 7: Beginning the 72 Hours

What would y’all suggest as meals on feeding days, to of course hold me through as well as to help me attain all the benefits possible?

PS: I’m a 20 y.o. female, 5’2, 218lbs if that makes any difference.

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So you’re not going to eat any protein the 4 days before your fast? That sounds like a terrible idea. A carb heavy diet before fasting sounds like you’re just trying to make it harder with lots of hunger during your fast. I’m not saying you need to be keto to fast, but it sure makes it easier (at least for me it does).

If you haven’t fasted before, I strongly suggest you ease in to it. Do a few 16 hour fasts to start with. Once you feel you have a handle on that, add hours to that 1-2 hours at a time.


If you want to increase the weight loss, go Lean Protein and Low carb vegetables. Lean Protein of your choice, and Low carb vegetables (Cauliflower, Broccoli, Zuchinni, Summer Squash, mushrooms), can add a few raw nuts like walnuts if you want. Go Organic or Grass fed proteins if you can. This will send you into Ketosis quicker then consuming the fruits. If you want a Low Carb fruit, try Avacado, it has good fats. Avoiding Fructose from fruits and carbs will push you into ketosis quicker,and speed up weight loss. To give yourself a boost, on your feeding days, work out while fasted, then within 1 hour after, consume your meal/protein


Since you’re a woman I’m going to recommend my favorite female focused fasting podcast - The Fasting method (I linked Ep 5 one of my faves). I do not at all recommend the schedule you laid out. You need to train that fasting muscle before jumping into 72s. I started 18/6 -> 20/4 -> OMAD and now do 3x42 hour fasts a week with incredible results. Even as an experienced faster the 42 hour fasts I’m doing down and what helped me lose all my weight was very challenging and it took me a long time to work up to it.

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