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Need help !!!!

I’m a 30 year old male from Egypt. I’m 5’8 and 180 lbs. I lift weights four times a week and I have a relatively sedentary lifestyle.

I lost weight using a mix of fasting ( one meal a day and eating 1500 calories) but the last two years my weight has been consistently going up. I went from 159lbs to 180lbs now. I cycle between periods of restriction and binging, leading to my consistent weight increase.

I need advice because I just can’t seem to stick to anything and I’m literally developing anxiety around food and weight loss. It’s driving me crazy and causing consistent mood swings.

I end up binging on pizza, and other high calorie foods.

How can I start ??

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This may be very common advice but meal prepping is key imo . When you fast you are probably very disciplined and follow an exact daily ritual. It’s easier to fast when we are busy and have a plan for the day. (At least for me this is true) . Then the fast ends and it’s kind of like a free for all. You go from super structured to a self rewarding state within hours. But if you have a plan for when you refeed like you do during fasting you are Far more likely to abide by those dietary parameters. Maybe rolling 72’s would suit you because it’s a shorter feeling window and then you’re right back to fasting. That could help you focus on good refeeding habits so when the feeding windows are longer you can remain in control.

This is all just what I’ve experienced in my journey so far. Hopefully some of this applies to you too. Best of luck on your journey!


My advise is to simply go back To one meal a day and forget about it. Even a three hour eating window should be fine. Select the three hours ear during that time focusing on eating lots of veggies and limiting junk. Don’t attempt longer fasts and restricting bc you will end up binging. You can do this.

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Categories: sedentary one meal a day calories binging weight loss to fast reward refeeding habits eating window