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Need more (good) fat

I’ve being practicing IF for a couple of years, about 4-5 days a week OMAD and 2-3 days two meals a day (mostly when I have the kids; easier that way). I’ve been able to manage my weight and I usually feel relatively good.

To be able to eat OMAD, I need to eat a lot of fat, and I used to finish my meal with natural peanut butter… a lot of it. And by a lot, I mean like 100-125 g (4-5 oz) each day, which is like one container every 4-5 day. I don’t eat sugar, I mostly eat meat and veggies, so it wasn’t a problem.

However, recently I considered the fact that I think I am pretty low on omega-3. I’ve read a bit (OK, more than a bit) and from what I have read having a good omega 3 to omega 6 ratio is really important to reduce inflammation and have a good cardiovascular health. Considering that peanut butter have like 5000 times more omega 6 than omega 3, I realized that was a problem. Even with an omega-3 supplement, that’s just too much omega-6 to get a good ratio (4:1 to 1:1).

I tried to ditch the peanut butter, but then I feel like I miss fat and can’t easily go the OMAD road: I am too hungry.

So, what kind of fat can I add to my diet, ideally a fat that is a bit higher on the omega-3 side. I really need to eat more fat to avoid being hungry (and stay on OMAD) but I need to find a way to get more omega-3.

Any idea?

TL;DR: I need more fat that is higher in omega-3 or at least as a better ratio than peanut butter.

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The best answer, for health and economy:

Go to your supermarket or butcher and ask for their beef fat trimmings. It’ll either be free or like 99c/lb. Get some shears and cut them up into bite size chunks, put them in baggies in the freezer. When it’s meal time just get a baggie out and cook that portion of fat on the cast iron, just a couple minutes on each side til it starts getting melty. Sprinkle some salt on it then feast.

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