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Need some advice on how to set up my fast.

Hi everyone, I’m completely new to this but from what I’ve seen with the standard fast (not eating until noon or so) won’t work for me due to medication constraints. I have ADHD and have to take my meds in the morning but have to eat before taking them. This has been quite frustrating for me and was wondering if anyone has any advice? Thanks in advance!

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Skipping dinner may work better for you taking your medications into account. It’s actually a much better option to skip dinner as our metabolism gets slower closer to sleep time, but people end up missing breakfast because it’s more convenient.

The best protocol is what works best for you!


Have you found it necessary to take the medication in the morning? Sometimes we take too much medical advice as gospel and there’s in fact some wriggle room. Have a chat with your GP/physician and experiment a bit maybe, if you haven’t already in which case ignore this.

But if you need food for this purpose when you wake up then I would suggest a small keto meal, e.g. eggs and meat. Avoiding carbs will help ensure you keep on reaping most of the benefits from fasting.


I much prefer to have my eating window in the morning. You get to drink coffee however you like it. You save a lot of time in the evening from not cooking and eating.

And most of all, your sleep will be of way higher quality than eating at night. Your gut health will also be better due to the microbiome being in sync with your circadian rhythm.

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Categories: medication morning dinner sleep protocol keto meat carbs eating window coffee evening