| | Water Fasting

Need some guidance.. something’s not right.

42 m. SW - 93kg (Jan-13), CW 89.7kg, GW 82kg.

I’ve lost weight on IF before but I’m not sure why it isn’t working this time.

I do 17/7 most days with 1x36h fast a week (added the 36h this time out of desperation).

On average I’m stuck on the same weight all February. Im mostly on 1200-1500 cals. I’ve tried going higher but it hasn’t made much diff. Some times after a 36h I’ll see a bit of a loss but it will be back in a day or two.

My diet is low carb, good amount of protein.

1 hr of exercise a day x 6 times a week.

Anyone see a pattern below and any advice for me?

1/14 - 93.3 1/15 - 92.6 1/25 - 91.3 - 42h fast 1/30 - 90.3 - 36h fast 2/04 - 89.9 2/08 - 90.6 2/09 - 90.3 2/10 - 90.6 2/11 - 89.4 2/12 - 90 2/18 - 89.8 2/22 - 90.1 2/23 - 89.6 2/25 - 88.1 40h fast 2/26 - 88.9 2/27 - 89.7

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>1/14 - 93.3
>2/27 - 89.7

You’ve lost 3.6 kgs in 6-ish weeks. While you have the weight to maybe go a bit faster, that’s still perfectly reasonable weight loss. What’s not working? I take it you expect it should be quicker? You’ll reach your goal in like 3 months give or take.

Your calories and exercise is perhaps a bit disproportionate to the scale results, but if this amount of exercise is new that water retention can last a few weeks.


The process of burning stored fat involves in lot of enzymatic reactions. For these reactions to happen in a proper way, vitamins and minerals play a very significant role but on the days of fasting we don’t take food and may be from before we might be deficient in some of those vitamins and minerals. So the process of fat burning will slow down in-fact it stops after a while. Taking a multivitamin supplement from a good and trusted brand is advisable.


I was surprised to hear the other day that protein causes an insulin response as well. If you think your protein is on the higher end, maybe cut down on it a little.

A good overview of other potential causes that prevent weight-loss by Dr. Sten Ekberg:


But I agree with the other comment. Weight-loss is there. I had a plateau a month in, barely changed anything, and now I’m loosing weight again. I’m intentionally slow, so I don’t expect more.

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