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Need some motivation

What is something that motivates y’all to stay on the fast because lately I’ve just been having a hard time sticking to it. I’ll usually crack within like 15 to 16 hrs. I want to do 168 hrs but I’ve been struggling lately.

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I’d say try to start with a goal of 24 hours. Once you get that down, go for 48… and so forth. It can be sort of like running a race. You might not want to run a 5k if you have never trained for it. That’s not to say that you absolutely couldn’t run a 5k with no training, but it would be a lot easier if you trained for it for a while.

As far as motivation goes, I don’t really feel “motivated” to stick to fasting, I just try to distract myself when I am feeling tempted to break it before my planned time. If you have weight to lose, maybe looking at your before photos???

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