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Need some reassurance about a forced break in fasting and exercise

Hello, I was doing a 14/10 fast and working my way back up to a 16/8 with 7 days of workouts- swimming and body weight training - for the last few months. I was finally starting to feel good about myself and my body and I was consistently showing up.

But I had a fall n injured myself a bit and now I can’t fast because of medication and I can’t workout for a couple of weeks until I heal.

Now I’m panicking about putting all the weight back on. And how I’ll go back to working out :(
Been in a bad mood because I was doing soooo well showing up and had a routine.

I get that I got lucky and it was a minor injury and could’ve been worse but it’s hard not to feel bad about a break I didn’t want.

Has anyone taken a break? How has it been?

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Hey sometimes we have to take a break because of life or a sickness or an injury. You’re taking medication and you can’t fast so just eat two or three reasonable meals and try to keep it lower carb. So what if you put 5 or 10 pounds on. Most of it will be water weight. You’ll be back in a few weeks. 👊😎💪


Remember weight loss is all about eating less calories then your burning. So work out your calorie intake and choose the no active option until your ready to exercise again and eat that.

Fasting is a tool to help you be in a calorie deficit if done properly

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