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Need to fast for 4 days for health reasons but it scared of passing out?

Been keto carnivore 2 years so I am fat adapted and can fast…but everytime I get past 22 hours I start getting scared to pass out. My blood glucose will be like 51…how do. I know if it’s safe to continue? I really need to fast to treat Candida and Sibo as well as other gut issues that are plaguing my life and have become severe. The anxiety and fear of low blood sugar or passing out are what stops me. Is this safe? How low blood sugar is too low?

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Did your doctor advise fasting? Are you a diabetic (wondering since you’re referencing blood sugar numbers)?

Fasting has a lot of benefits but 4 days is a long time and could be harmful if you have other medical conditions. You may not be able to go about your normal activities (driving, physical work, etc.), and if you have diabetes it can get extra dangerous. I’d recommend speaking to your doctor about this.

People typically work up to a 4 day fast, don’t just dive into it.

There’s also a lot of pseudoscience around fasting. A lot of good science too but I’d make sure you have a good basis before you commit to 4 days as a treatment for something

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Categories: to fast keto blood glucose blood sugar diabetes 4 day fast