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Negatives of High Gluten Intake for a non coeliac?

I’m not coeliac and I don’t have gluten sensitivity issues, but I’m wondering if there are any downsides to a high dietary gluten intake regardless of these sensitivities?

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Depends. Excess grain consumption does have an impact on magnesium, B1 and vitamin C needs.

But generally, it’s fine. In the context of diet with quality animal and plant nutrients.

Food quality comes first in general. Assuming it’s not hyper processed cake “bread” it’s generally better. Sourdough, even better but not necessary overall.


It’s hard to say because gluten in a vacuum isn’t necessarily that bad or even “bad” at all. A lot of gluten containing products are just trash though, and a lot of issues can arise from eating said products. Gotta look at your diet as a whole. Sour dough bread? Great. Ramen noodles not so much


The main problem with gluten is that usually it comes attached to a ton of carbs, which can be a problem.

There is seitan though which is pure glutenous protein, and it has virtually no carbs despite being essentially wheat “meat”.

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