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Neon’s Fasting Retreat Checkin: Day 2 of 6

Background and day 1 can be found here

Overall I would say things are going well.

I’m heading into hour 44 right now which is the longest I’ve fasted in ages.

Day 2 details

SLEEP: Sleep last night was el sucko. Like BAD. It was my first night in a strange place alone so I couldn’t relax. Plus the mattress and pillows aren’t really my preferred style (I think I’ve got an age where I need to bring my own pillow on vacation lol!). Given I probably only slept 3 hours or so last night it is safe to say that tonight I’m taking a Lunesta. Fingers crossed.

ACTIVITY: Been working at my laptop during the day per usual and had a few meetings (we work from home). Then I went for a nice walk along the river. It was cold but sunny and it felt good to get a little activity in even if only 25 minutes. As soon as it warms up I’ll be out there longer and more often.

FEELING: I’m a little bored. Pretty fatigued but I attribute that to the lack of sleep. But shockingly so far I wasn’t feeling much hunger until the last hour.

It’s surprisingly refreshing to be in a place completely void of food. The lack of temptation is a game changer. It’s night and day compared to when I do this at home where the food calls to me!

Zero rumbly tummy, zero hunger pains, zero rough headaches, and zero nausea thus far. Hopefully it stays that way!

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Good job at your progress! For me sleep is hit and miss during the fast - some nights are horribly, while others I sleep like a baby. Seems pretty random to me. Worst day for me is the second day, when my body is transitioning into keto - I get a bad headache.

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