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New faster, looking for advice and have a few concerns

I’m about 5/11 195 pounds and I’ve started fasting. On day 2.5 right now

Going through all the same things as you guys, everyone calling me concerns, people sending me pictures of food. Etc. Close friends have been the most supportive because I think they kind of understand how realistic it is.

So just wanted to ask for some advice here about some of the things I’m going through,

I went a week with just one soup a day to prepare myself, I’m wondering if this was a bad move because I’m really having a hard time right now.

I went for a 3hr walk (I know this was kind of dumb) and last night I was so hungry and exhausted that I woke up feeling about to give up. Had a few glasses of water then felt okay in the morning.

The things that concern me are, I should be in ketosis right now but I’m feeling very weak and tired. Brain fog is at 200% but I dont feel like Im in ketosis.

I woke up last night in nightsweats, which are very rare for me.

I’m drinking water regularly, taking electrolytes and additional magnesium and potassium pill a day.

Any recommendations or support would be great, I know this post isn’t particularly well written or organized but even writing is very difficult for me right now.

Edit: Previous portion didn’t get approved so I changed it. On day 3.5 now, brain fog is super strong and I feel weak but the urges have subsided. Still waiting for that energy burst everyone keeps talking about, feeling very negative overall but I’m embracing it, maybe this will adjust my comfort zone a bit.

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What you’re going through is the adjustment to ketosis, keto flu and also dealing with grehelin the hunger hormone. You’re body has been eating continuously for years. Adjusting to not eating takes a lot but it actually sounds like you’re on track.

On my first extended fast, I definitely slept more and it wasn’t let’s say easy. I suggest setting a time goal. Getting through 4-5 days definitely helps to give a refeed especially when you’re body is not use to using fat soluable minerals. Refeed for a day or two at OMAD, then extended fast again. You will learn to adjust and your body will adjust quicker and quicker.


One soup a day?Starvation diet is bad.

Fasting is better, better for maintaining your metabolism, and easier.

When you eat, eat until you are full.

Use intermittent fasting and longer fasts as needed for your goals.


>Going through all the same things as you guys, everyone calling me concerns, people sending me pictures of food. Etc. Close friends have been the most supportive because I think they kind of understand how realistic it is.

People can be bitches. Don’t worry about it. They mean well.

>I went a week with just one soup a day to prepare myself, I’m wondering if this was a bad move because I’m really having a hard time right now.

Vague. What kind of soup? What makes this time hard? What do you know about fasting, how it works, and the difference between easy fasting and brute force fasting?

>I went for a 3hr walk (I know this was kind of dumb) and last night I was so hungry and exhausted that I woke up feeling about to give up. Had a few glasses of water then felt okay in the morning.

Much of the issues here will be resolved with getting your electrolytes in balance. More exercise needs more salt. If you haven’t been worried about diarrhea, you aren’t getting enough.

>The things that concern me are, I should be in ketosis right now but I’m feeling very weak and tired. Brain fog is at 200% but I dont feel like Im in ketosis.

Being in ketosis means making ketones. It says nothing about your ability to make use of them for energy. You are brand new at this, your body’s ability to use ketones will be rudimentary at best.

>I’m drinking water regularly, taking electrolytes and additional magnesium and potassium pill a day.

Read the sidebar. This tells me you’re not even close on your electrolytes.

>Previous portion didn’t get approved so I changed it. On day 3.5 now, brain fog is super strong and I feel weak but the urges have subsided. Still waiting for that energy burst everyone keeps talking about, feeling very negative overall but I’m embracing it, maybe this will adjust my comfort zone a bit.

You’ll get better at this the more you fast. Give your body a chance to adapt.

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