| | Water Fasting


Rolling 72s, would consist of drinking snake juice for 3 days then the following day eat..then repeat? Right?!

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So I started yesterday instead of Monday. I ate one meal yesterday (grilled salmon on a salad) at 5:00pm. I finally made it more than 24hrs without a meal. Quite a big accomplishment for me because I can binge eat for weeks on end. But nevertheless, I am on the right path and I am down 3lbs. I know it’s just water weight but I’m proud of myself.

One day at a time. Going to mix up rolling 48s and 72s just to keep my body guessing.

I’ll let you all know once I officially make it to my first refeed.

*I actually started off at 198 and not 195. CW is 195 😅

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