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New findings - anyone experienced this effect from a dry fast?

Just to be clear, I am gonna go to the doctor about this, just realized it is a problem that is not temporarily caused by dehydration or detoxing during the fasts. But it can take months just to get an appointment so interested to hear if other have experienced similar;

Anyway, I just realized that ever since my first dry fast about 2 months ago I have had trouble with my balance and with dizziness. Like the world is spinning for a bit, often for a few minutes, and especially a while after I get up from sitting down and when I tried to jog and start to get tired, or walk up a hill, for instance.You think it could be triggered from the dry fast? Like some kinda hidden old problem or caused by the dehydration? I had a theory that it was from an old virus infection but at the same time I feel that should be resolved already by now, if so. (Have been doing 4,5 + 3 + 5 days fasts = 12,5 days within about 2 months.) It appeared during the first fast, went down a bit after eating but remained, and have had this pattern through fast numer 2 and 3 also.Anyone experienced this or heard about it?

Edit:I wanted to add that the dizziness feels balance-related, not blood pressure- or -sugar related. Like- low blood pressure feels more like you are about to faint, but passes quickly (assuming one does not actually faint), while this dizzyness does not involve the faint-ish feel to it but rather that the surroundings are moving. I can feel low on energy/weak, but that is usually during the fasts when I do usually feel week, while in between I the energy level can be high and surroundings still moving.
Just wanted to clarify since I realize there are other types of dizziness that are closer at hand to relate to

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I don’t know if it was caused by the fast. Since, it’s persistent even after eating and drinking, it may be something else unrelated. Regardless, I’m glad you’re going to the doc, this is the best course of action.

I’m not sure your location but please be sure to let them know all you’ve told us here so they can get you in sooner if possible.

Also, if it takes months to see a doc, some places offer nurse advice over the telephone for free or low cost.

Ps: I just peeked at your post history and see that you have been keto and working out? Is this new to you? Lots of times if you’re new to keto, you lose lots of electrolytes that you need to supplement. Salt, potassium and magnesium are the most common deficiencies on keto.

If this sounds like you, it could help to add them into your diet. Either on food or by buying a low sugar electrolyte mix to add to your water.


Sounds like low blood pressure. Fasting lowers your blood pressure. That can cause stuff like what you’ve discussed. Go to your local pharmacy and either use their public blood pressure cuff machines (if available) or buy a blood pressure monitor. They cost like $25.

May also be low blood sugar. Can also be caused by fasting. Also a cheap and easy thing to test at home.


I’m just telling my story so don’t take it as medical advice. I got the same symptoms after a trip I did when I was young. I went for partying several days in a row and drank alcohol, slept very little and didn’t drink water. The thing is I still had the symptoms for a while and I found what it was. I was a heavy coffee drinker and also redbull heavy drinker. When I had the symptoms it would get worse everytime I drank coffee. Now I completely stopped caffeine and I can’t even drink a sip of it. I’m really intolerant to it. Everytime I drink some coffee or cola I have those symptoms. So maybe it was a mix from all this and the withdrawals from stopping and stopping weed too. So do you drink a lot of caffeine ?


Most likely deep tension releasing I’d say. That’s exactly how it feels.


Also when you’re fasted, you are weaker and everything does that more.

I always related it to deeper spiritual stuff, and it comes at around day 4 for me, but like I say, I think its deep tension starting to release. Do you actually feel alarmed or is your body actually telling you there is anything wrong? Because I’m going to guess it isn’t - and also when you fast long like that, you start to feel much deeper and subtler things.


Also, doctor will have no idea about this, and just tell you to eat to be on the safe side.


sounds like low blood pressure and or low electrolytes.
are you are doing dryfasts to lose weight ? as 90% do it for that reason they are desperate to get the weight down and it sure some weightloss happens. but 1/3-1/2 of that loss is water it NEEDS to be gained back. often people are so psyched with their 5-10lb/2-5kg weightloss and slimmed looked they are clutching to that number and don’t re-feed properly. refeeding is the key to the health and successfully keeping the weight under the control. depends on your metabolism and how your much your body is adapted to fasting on those few days you may lost only pound of fat storage or even none. but the scale showed minus 5lb. so you might walking around in dehydrated and deprived state and that causes the very common sounding balance and weaknesses problems. exercising makes it only worse. so please read about refeeding. dr filonov says 70% results happen during refeed stage. read his book. dryfasting is for getting healthy not skinny

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