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Hi, i am new to intermittent fasting and wanting to get an idea of how to go about making a start with this and trying to make it last until i reach my target weight.

I am 33, weigh just over 17 stone and would love to get to a target weight of around 10stone to 10stone 7lbs. Any advice would be much appreciated.

What would you advise starting on fasting time wise?

Are there any side effects I might get at first?

Is this safe to do long-term?

Thanks for any help here in advance. I just want to lose some weight and get healthier in myself.

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I would start out by going as long as I can until my 1st meal. Try to go longer and longer each day. Drink lots of Water, Black Coffee, and Tea without any sweeteners or cream.

A good start is to fast for at least 16 hours and then have an 8 hour window. Your stomach is a muscle so it will grow and/or shrink so it should get easier and easier. For me I am currently eating one meal a day 5 days a week withing an hours time so I fast for 23 hours and am not hungry. Remeber if you are not hungry DIO NOT EAT, a lot of pewople do out of Boredom


Welcome :) As others have said, ease yourself in. 16:8 is a great starting point. Don’t worry too much about the diet at first, just stick to the hours. Naturally over time you’ll become more aware of how you feel after eating processed foods/snacks and begin avoiding them.Don’t do too much change to quickly, that will help make it sustainable.Eventually changes like eating a whole food based diet high in protein and low carb will make the fasts easier (and liner). Also cut the booze - this was a big one for me to shed weight.You shouldn’t need to calorie count if you don’t want to (one of the reasons why IF totally rocks), just be mindful of your portion sizes. Good luck!

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