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New intermittent faster - hi!

Hey guys,

I’ve just recently started on intermittent fasting and I’m not sure whether I’m on the right track.

I’m starting small, going to the gym three times a week and working with a trainer once a week. I’m upping the protein in my diet.

And I’m fasting from 9pm to 12pm (15hours) on weekdays only. I’ll have a cup of coffee with a dash of milk which seems to help with hunger pangs. Usually I’m distracted by work so that helps me get through until eating times.

I also have PCOS, which is not supposed to help with cravings, and tend to find I have strong cravings for sugar and fat.

Any suggestions for how I can improve, or whether I should extend my fast etc?

Thanks in advance!

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One week in, 16:8. Breakfast at 11 am start fast at 7 pm.. eating 1200 to 1500 calories… start weight 355 current weight 344. High portion lean meat, vegies, and some fruit… no starches, carbs…. Have not had to take any insulin since I started. Energy has skyrocketed. I have a bad back and major pain when I stand for more than 30 minutes ( getting treatment from an ortho) so I do not exercise but I will when I am able..


Hi, I found that if I extended my fast to 20/4 OMAD/keto and exercised during my fast, I lost weight. I started going for a walk; then, when I was sure I wouldn’t faint, I did some cardio. I make sure I drink plenty of water during the day, 3 litres and add electrolytes to it, which helps with hunger pangs. I am someone who tried diet shakes, low fat (starving). I think tea with a dash of milk while fasting, and I still lose weight. I am also postmenopausal, and it does seem harder to lose weight now. What I said above was the ONLY diet that significantly impacted my weight. Keep going :)

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Categories: intermittent intermittent fasting coffee sugar calories meat fruit starch carbs energy pain omad keto cardio electrolytes diet shakes tea lose weight