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New to dry fasting. Would appreciate some advice.

Long story short I have suffered from severe colitis and after trying everything for 5 years (started at 18) I last year needed 3 surgeries to remove my colon and create a jpouch.

I have done a lot of water fasting and just did a 40h dry fast. I have so many health issues so need some serious healing. I am planning on refeeding during 4 days and then do a 72h dry fast. I have read «Starving to Heal in sibiria» and the Phoenix protocol book. Found it interesting.

I am going to test dry brushing and have scheduled a cupping/massage on the second day of my dry fast.

Anyone who has any general advice on dry fasting or any information/books to recommend?

I have tried water fasting, carnivore, all diets pretty much and different functional medicine protcols, with no luck. Currently I am trying to treat hydrogen sulfide sibo and have tried herbals and rifaximin. My sort of last ditch effort will be trying Augmentin soon, in the meantime I have been researching dry fasting and hope that can move the needle. Appearently Augmentin is an antibiotic worth trying with h2s sibo, so I will give that a go.

Anyway, thank you! 23 yo male

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Get the book called Dry Fasting by Dr. Filanov. It’s the granddaddy of them all.

He does not feel that the Phoenix Protocol is effective, because the enema process rehydrates the body (and also poisons it), defeating the whole purpose.

You may also want to watch his videos on YouTube. Apparently, stomach issues like you have are among the most curable of diseases through dry fasting.

By the way, he is his own best advertisement. He is in his 60s, and is ripped.

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