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New to group. Would appreciate tips or advice.

Hello everyone. I’m new to this group, and am for the first time officially trying intermittent fasting, although I’m no stranger to going long periods of time without food. I’m a 41 y/o female. CW 222; GW 110. I love seeing everyone’s successes with weight loss. I’ve been overweight for probably about 20 years now. I struggled for years with alcohol addiction, and that has contributed to a lot of the weight gain, but I’ve been sober for almost 4 years now. I lost about 30 pounds just by cutting out alcohol, but I unfortunately replaced that addiction with one to sugary treats. I would love to hear any advice or helpful tips or tricks y’all have for me.

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Hard to eat sugar when you’re full of meat. Eat foods which are nutrient dense and trigger satiety. Meat does that nicely. If you are meat averse, you can find some veggies that work similarly, but don’t trigger satiety cues as well. You just feel stuffed after eating so many of them that most people can’t tell the difference (until about 3 hours later.)

If you trigger satiety, you can go longer without eating. Good luck.


Welcome! If you stop eating sugar and starch, you will never have a weight problem ever again, not to mention a whole host of other issues in your life will start resolving themselves on their own. You’ll likely get off any medication you’re on, your hair and skin and nails will become amazing. It really is amazing what happens if and when people just quit eating that poison that just so happens to taste good

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