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New to IF - Is this a pragmatic schedule?

Hey everyone!

It’s my first time posting here, so apologies for my newbie question.

I am hoping to re-start working out after a 2.5 year break and I am looking at combining it with IF (16:8).

About me: 31, male, 5’9 (175cm), 194lb (88kg), \~30% body fat. Hoping to lose fat and maintain/build muscle.

Scheduling factors to consider: I work from 0900-1500 with a one hour break in the middle. I am an evening person, so want to hit the gym, fasted after work. There’s no way I’d be able to workout at 0700. Bedtime is usually 0030/0100.


Proposed schedule

Fasting period: 0100 (realistically will be a little earlier) - 1700, fuelled by water/black coffee/tea.

Workout time: 1530 - 1700

Eating window: 1700 - 0100

- Break fast with a protein shake @ 1700

- Snack (nuts?) @ 1800

- Main meal @ 1930

- Evening meal (porridge + banana) @ 2300

- Sleep @ 0030/0100


Do more experienced fasters have any thoughts/suggestions to alter the above?


Thanks in advance :)

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>Do more experienced fasters have any thoughts/suggestions to alter the above?

If I had your schedule, I would take advantage of a small pre-workout meal and shuffle some things around or just ditch the eating after dinner. Getting that banana and such before your workout would do a lot more for you overall to fuel and recover than having it right before bed.

>- Snack (nuts?) @ 1800

Nuts a great nutritious food, but they are also very dense. If you enjoy nuts go for it, but they can be easy to overeat on. A serving is smaller than folks think it is. Personally, I would just skip this. You shouldn’t need a snack 1 hour after a protein shake and an hour before eating. Just roll these calories into those meals or make this your after dinner.

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