| | Water Fasting

New to intermittent fasting need advice.

32 yr old male 5’8”. I started on January 11 and I was 242-244 depending and today I weighed 234.8 G.W. 175. I don’t workout or anything just eat small portions and cut out all sodas and sugary juices… I’m currently doing 18:6. I’m thinking this is just water weight. Planing on starting cardio next month. Thanks for reading.

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Congrats on getting started and your initial success! Keep at it.

>I’m thinking this is just water weight.

Yes, some of that will be water. The change in diet, especially less carbs overall, will make some changes to what water you retain and what stores the body will have used up. Some of it will certainly be fat though, you weren’t holding on to ``\~10 lbs of extra water.

>Planing on starting cardio next month.

Start today! Cardio doesn’t need to be just jogging, running, etc. Just adding a 30 min walk to your day is so great from the health standpoint. Also consider some strength training as well. Bodyweight routines are a great way to get a workout in without equipment.

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Categories: intermittent fasting soda sugar cardio carbs