Hello! Hope everyone is doing okay today. I’m 24 and female and recently discovered there’s a page for fasting. I’ve done fasting on and off for years when I started getting into sports in high school and afterwards. I’m currently doing it for weight loss and trying to find a balance to what I can handle. I’m not looking to go extreme like 5 day water fast (😅 I’m not ready). Just looking for a balance between 16:8 and 20:4 for me. I end up consuming a light lunch and then, a nice sized plate dinner along with some vitamins. I’ve committed a week thus far for fasting and for now I feel okay but around the same time each day I get an intense craving for some espresso. I try water whenever cravings come but is there anything I can add to the water that won’t make me break my fast? Lemon or ginger? I like to work out on an empty stomach but would it be preferred to eat lunch late and then my workout? I enjoy reading people’s stories and look forward to reading more 🤙🏻
When I started I worked up from 16:8 to 20:4. There is a group specific to intermittent fasting, if you want to check it out. https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/
Anyway, today I’m trying my first 44 hour fast. Not hungry at all at hour 26. Now I’m wondering if I should extend it another day.