| | Water Fasting

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Me and my friend are going to try and go for 5 days. Any recommendation? Should we do no food? He was talking about just eating broth. Should we do it in a certain window in that case?

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Intermittent fasting isn’t the same as fasting. Most people would define it by how many hours of the day they fast vs how many they eat (ex. 16:8). I eat sensibly during my 8 hours. I don’t restrict but I don’t binge and I eat healthy foods for the most part.


Most people would suggest that you work up to an extended fast. Five days just seems like an arbitrary amount of time and is not going to yield long-term benefits because most people regain any lost weight afterward when they return to their normal eating habits.

Folks on this forum practice various forms of time restricted eating. You do you, but most of the people who practice extended fast are also experienced and worked their way up to it.


There is alot of benefits to a 5 days fast. Autophagy and giving your body a rest being the biggest. You will have the best sleep of your life.

Weight wise, it’ll be mostly water weight and you’ll regain it back, unless you really watch your calories coming out.


  1. Ease into it. Start lowering your carbs. Otherwise you will crash hard and quit right away.

  2. Day 1 and 3 are usually the easiest. Day 2 it’ll hit you like a hangover. You’ll be moody and want to quit. You’ll have a headache..but it’s working. Don’t stop, keep your mind busy. Keep lots if fluids near you.

  3. Drink lots of water, add a little salt and lemon for electrolytes. Get tea, to switch up the flavors.

  4. Try to do it around not having to work.

  5. Coming out of it. Don’t just eat a meal. Start w real juice, then tiny vegetables, then a small meal.

Good luck on your journey. Hope you succeed. It’s mind over matter and a big reward!

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