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Hey everyone hope you’re all well! I’m looking at starting IF and would just like to know how I get started? Also I’ve seen some ratio’s in people’s posts like 16:8 etc, can I ask what this means? How often should I be eating when I start out, is it something I need to build up to or do you just go full fasting when you begin?

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Congratulations on starting IF! My advice to you is to take it slow and let your body get used to fasting and to remember that it will take time to get results, but I promise you, you will see them if you are consistent and patient. The most popular timing (at least to me) seems to be 16:8, but try fasting for 14 hours and take it from there. Good luck on your IF journey!


I recommend looking into Dr Jason Fungs YouTube videos, I watched a couple to get into fasting properly the right way. It’s good to continue to educate yourself. To time your fasts, use this fasting app called “Life” no need for paid versions. Start with even 14 hour fast (skip breakfast for example) do it for a few days and see how you feel. I did IF on and off, started with 16 hr fasts and 8 hour eating window with 2 meals in 2020 … lost a ton of weight , was also running (while listening to dr Jason Fung) Now I do 24-36 hour fasts and I’d say build up to it slowly… it’s fine to take it slow.


The one thing I’d tell you from my experience is you may feel a bit off as you adjust. Mainly because your blood sugar will need to normalize. I was light headed and a little dizzy the first week but I just powered through it. But once I did adjust I have never felt so much mental clarity in my life. I’m also eating much cleaner though. Everyone can respond differently but just wanted to give you a heads up in case you experience some negative symptoms at first and feel discouraged. I do 16:8 and will fast for a day now and then if I go on vacation/during the holidays and eat and drink in excess :).

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