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New Year, New You: Start Here (2022 Beginner's Thread)

Hello! Welcome to r/intermittentfasting! Whether you’re just starting out or getting back into your routine after a break, this thread is a great place to start.

We try to be a friendly and informative place for newcomers, lurkers and longtime community members alike, so we’ve put together this quick reference post to help you.

If this is your first time learning about IF, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by information.


PLEASE REMEMBER: We have a karma threshold. You need 10 comment karma to post your own topic. The automod will tell you the same thing. It’s not difficult and this thread (as well as the other daily post) can help you reach that threshold, also you might find the answer to your question (because for what it’s worth, most questions are not as unique as we think they are).


Read the Rules

r/intermittentfasting is meant to be a supportive and friendly community. We have a zero-tolerance policy for disrespectful, harassing and unsupportive comments. Additionally, we are NOT a pro-ED subreddit. IF is not about eating as little as possible/going as long as possible without food and users encouraging ED behaviour will be banned. The full rules can be found in the sidebar.

Read the FAQ

The FAQ and the Wiki is a great resource for finding out information about many common questions related to intermittent fasting. It covers what the different fasting plans mean, how to get started, what you can have during your fast and more. Please read the FAQ and Wiki before you post, because the answer might be there, or it might help you focus your question better!

Use the Search Function

The search function will help you find others who have asked your question. It’s almost a guarantee that someone has tried “Will x break my fast?”, whether it’s about plateaus, counting calories, water weight or anything else. Reddit is a huge collection of information. Put it to work for you.

How to Create an Engaging Post

If you’re landing here for the first time, you might be impatient about getting started and seeing results. Please look at the following examples of good and bad posts requesting advice:

Bad Post

How do I start???? Do I really just eat nothing??

Good Post

Hi everyone, I’m a 36-year-old, 6’3” male who weighs 300 lbs. I would like to get down to 200 lbs. I am prediabetic, my knees hurt all of the time and I really need to get my weight down. I looked through the FAQ and have a couple of questions. I really want to work up to 20+ hour fasts but right now I get shaky and intense hunger pangs while doing 16/8. How do I overcome this? Also, I’m trying to eat better while doing IF but I’m not really sure what the best foods are to eat. I appreciate any advice!

A great post will have all of the following info in it:

· age

· gender

· height

· starting weight, current weight, and goal weight

· what your current plan is

This information helps other users give you more detailed advice that will ultimately be more helpful to you!

Here are some other helpful links to get started:




Happy fasting everyone!

Stop Fasting Alone.

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I’m having the same hilarious problem I had the last time I did OMAD regularly. I can’t eat ENOUGH calories. I doubt I got more than 900cals at tonight’s meal. Bear in mind, I’m not active due to sciatica and stuff. I’m also obese type 1 even after losing 8lbs. So, if I do OMAD 6 days a week and do an 18 or 20 hour fast on Sundays will I be ok?

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