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Night time is the absolute worst!!

Does anybody else have a pretty straightforward day fasting and then when the evening hits it’s like bam! Hunger pangs, overwhelming desire to eat, can’t fall asleep and stay asleep. How do ya’ll manage this?

Please send help!

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I do OMAD have my meal during dinner time. Keeps me from nighttime snacking. It does mean that my workouts will be during the end of my fasts so that can sometimes be a bit of a mental barrier but other than that this strategy has worked for me.


It takes about a month to reprogram the brain and ghrelin release, so sometimes its just time.
But also make sure that you eat enough protein and nutrients during the day. If you cut calories and try to reprogram the eating window at the same time it makes it exponentially harder.


I found that upping my protein massively helps my sleep. But I also second another commenter’s suggestion of moving your eating window to the evening. I also struggle at night. I do stop eating 2-3 hours before bedtime, but I love my dinner!

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Categories: evening sleep omad dinner snack calories eating window struggle