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Nitrosamines and colorectal cancer risks

I know this a fairly hotly debated topic, as well as one discussed in the past on this sub. However, the most recent post on the subject is several years old and new studies may have been released.

On the subject of nitrates in processed meats (specially turkey products in my case, as I do not eat pork). Is the general consensus at this point in time there is not enough information to make a solid correlation to colorectal cancer? I have seen many articles saying eating processed meat daily can increase your risk by as much as 18%. However, eating processed meats is also generally associated with an all around unhealthy diet. Is this more the situation, causation does not equal correlation as there are other factors at work?

Additionally, I have read that consuming vitamin C actually reduces the conversion of nitrosamines from nitrates. Is there solid evidence to back this up? For example, if someone ensures they consume their DRI of Vitamin C, would this mitigate the risk at all or completely?

I’d love to hear everyone’s opinions and where they stand on this subject based on the research currently available. I love chicken and turkey Sausages, as well as turkey lunch meat but I have stopped eating them almost completely due to my fear on this. I know everything should be generally okay in moderation but regardless.

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The hazard ratio as of right now for someone eating processed meat at the clip the WHO proposed and other organizations have proposed for colon cancer is ridiculously low. Does that mean that someone should be eating hotdogs, beef jerky, salami, etc no. The mechanistic data has shown the nitrates and nitrates are carcinogenic which is pretty big. The issue Is how much processed food triggers the formation of polyps and then the bigger question is how much processed food turns those polyps from harmless polyps to colon cancer. With nutrition science we will never know that answer. So imo if someone wants to enjoy. shotdog or a Italian sub once or twice a week then I think the scare tactics involved with telling them that they’re going to get cancer from eating a hot dog a fe times a month is too much. I do think the mechanistic data shows that if someone is eating a bunch of bacon, hotdogs, etc that they should probably slow down and re-evaluate their diets.

Another thing to consider as well is that not all processed foods are made equal. There’s a number of brands that don’t use curing salt, celery powder, cherry powder, etc to cure chicken sausages that you like. Applegate is a great brand. Aldi’s has great chicken sausages that are literally sage and salt. prosciutto is considered a processed meat and it’s literally salt and pork. It’s important that we really boil this convo down to is ingesting nitrates and nitrites dangerous and not blanket deli meats, bacon, sausage, etc.


I steer clear of processed meats because the evidence has mounted enough to classify them as a group one carcinogen.

Also note, unlike meat, nitrates from plants are good:https://www.alternativehealthfoodstore.com/blog/beets-and-baconare-the-nitrates-the-same-with-recipe

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