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No Food December: Week 1 - What a week!

Is it finally Wednesday?! Oh man that felt like forever! How is everyone holding up?

I’m on day 10 personally and that officially beats my previous record of 8 consecutive days fasted! This past week has been wild for me personally, dealt with low energy days, hunger, and temptations both in person and on TV! My parents came over for a day and I prepared breakfast for them, and now for some reason my YouTube ads (on a smart TV so no ad blocker) are mostly commercials for fancy italian cheese brands, showing all kinds of cheesy dishes like pizza and lasagna. Leave me alone, lmao!

But as /u/floor_32 said, I’m in too deep to quit now. I worked so hard to get to 9 consecutive days and can’t just throw it away for a brief moment of satisfaction.

But at last my energy levels have risen and I’m feeling good, so I’m thinking that it should be all downhill from this point on.


Almost forgot, I’m also a little disappointed in that 3 months ago I hit the 230 lbs mark after a month of rolling 3:1, yet after 9 fasting days in a row I’m still not there yet?! All that ice cream and candy really took its toll, sad lmao. But on the bright side, I still have what, 24 days to go plus a few days of low calorie refeeding, so I might break past 210! That would be insane! Normally I’d want to keep going a little longer to hit the milestone of being under 200, but I need to get my booster shot prior to my mid-Jan ski trip so there’s no time. But I usually lose a good amount of weight on this annual trip, so I might actually break 200 or at least get very freaking close before I get back from that 3 week trip.

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sigh I was doing so well and was right along with you up until 2 days ago. I got a terrible (2 hour long) nose bleed and lost a lot of blood. Of course, I didn’t think continuing to fast would be wise. So I’m starting again tomorrow.

Back to square one :(


Thank you for the update and great job! This gives me an idea of what to expect should I ever do a very long fast. My longest was a little over 50 hours so I think my next goal will be to get to 60. :)


Good job, OP!

> like pizza and lasainia


Do you mean “lasagna”? :D

Fat old fork checking in!

I’ve really been struggling (and failing, tbh). There’s just so many occasions and excuses (all bad, ofc) to eat right now. My fasting so far has been full of stops and starts. Still …

SW: 294 lbs // CW: 288 lbs // Lost this week: 6 lbs


I started late because I had a cold right at the end of November (all better now!).

I’m on day 5 and so glad to have reached the hurdle! The stress eating from this past semester caught up to me so I’m glad I can use December to have a reset.

5’6SW: 175lbsCW: 169lbs (-6lbs) GW: 145lbs

I have been watching cooking shows like a madwoman but I feel great! I’ve noticed my body acne has already significantly decreased. No lethargy or anything.


Nice! Great job OP. How were the first 1-4 days like for you? The longest I’ve gone fasting is 5 days. By day 3-4 I get extremely nauseous and my stomach starts to hurt like crazy, which was really the main component behind me not advancing any longer. Do you have any advice in regards to that?


I’ve been waiting for your post haha! I’m also on day 10 (breaking my previous record of 6 days). Here are my stats:

SW (10 days ago): 111kg, 245lb

CW (now): 102.8kg, 226lb

GW: around 90kg, 198 lb

It was pretty easy throughout. First week was easy and then it got even easier. I just really spend my day as normal and don’t even realize I’m fasting. I currently take Na+ + K+ + Mg+ + multivitamin patch + boron + vitamin B complex patch. You can also argue that vitamins are not needed until >30 days, but I like to be safe. I also take a vitamin B complex patch to reduce the possibility of refeeding syndrome; look at the NICE guidelines for refeeding syndrome.

Oh yeah, perception of time is definitely slower.


eating lasagna after 9 days of fasting would be “painful” to say the least. Remind yourself that the first refeed needs to be something ideally easy to digest, not cheese. It may help with the explosive diarrhea inducing craving.


It’s interesting how people on this subreddit count hours and days of fasts. Listening to your body and mind should be the best indicators of length of time one should fast. I just think you drive yourself crazy counting. Good luck to you.


Wait, you’re fasting for the entire month of December? Laawwwdy mercy that doesn’t sound fun. (Sorry, the Southern in me made an appearance.)

I guess I’m kinda doing my own version of No Food December (except there is food.) I’ve been doing ADF so far this month, but every 7 days I’m gonna re-evaluate how I’m doing, how I’m feeling, what the week ahead looks like, and what fasting regime I want to do for the upcoming week.

It has helped me stay on track because I know I’m only doing it for one week, then I can re-evaluate and switch to some other fasting routine if I need to… And somehow committing one week at a time to something makes it easier for me to stick through.

I’m also trying to only weigh once per week, on the day when I evaluate what i’ll be doing for the next 7 days. So not quite sure what my weight is right now, but last week, I was 0.3 away from being out of the obesity BMI range. I only recently climbed back into the obese range, so I very much look forward to leaving it behind again.

Good luck! Hope things go well for you.

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Categories: energy refeeding to fast struggling stress stomach vitamin pain digest obesity obese