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No Food December: Week 2 - Halfway there!

Sorry if I’m a little late on this post, had a busy morning and didn’t quite realize it was Wednesday already. How’s everyone holding up? I’m on day 17 personally, so today is my halfway point! Which is both exciting and frightening as I’ve gotta do it all again! LMAO.

I’ll be honest, this week went by a bit quicker and smoother than the previous one. I eventually got my energy levels back up on around day 12, to something like 90% at least, so I’m feeling good. Yet I’m still lazier than usual for some reason, might just be a habit carried over from last week, haha. I still don’t look great just yet, but I am noticing a lot of interesting changes happening to my body. For one, I noticed that when I’m lying down or reclining, my belly isn’t quite as round anymore, which is oddly fascinating to me. Also, with all that fat gone I started feeling extremely uncomfortable, in a way. For instance, I couldn’t sleep on my side because my stomach just felt too weird, and also had to put the seatbelt over my stomach when driving to, I guess, hold it steady, lol. It was a weird few days for sure, but luckily it passed and I feel more comfortable now, except that I need to put on some smaller pants, haha.

I’ve had my parents staying over this week, so it’s been a little less boring. Which probably helped more than I realize since boredom is really the biggest issue this late in an extended fast. I’ve pretty much disassociated hunger from eating, so that’s a non-issue. I am getting random hunger spikes (due to their cooking, lol), but I think of it more as an uncomfortable feeling than an urge to eat something, if that makes sense. But really, I can safely grocery shop, look up recipes, order food in person, and even cook food at this point without breaking. I think what really helps is that I made a rough outline of my refeeding plan, so remembering that I gotta do it first before giving into a craving is making the thought of breaking my fast unappealing. Sort of like procrastination really, used productively, lmao. Here’s the outline below:


It’s honestly just insane that I’m almost into the 210’s already and there are 16 days left! Likelihood that I’ll breach into the 200’s is looking really high! Especially with how my refeeding schedule is like an extra 2.5 bonus days, judging by the calories. Plus then I should have about 2 weeks before a 3 week ski trip that will definitely be quite the workout, so who knows, this might be the last extended fast I ever do since I might hit my goal when this is all over! I don’t have an exact number for he goal, but I believe it’s around the 185-195 mark, or more specifically, where I sort of have abs showing. Then from there on out, my maintenance plan (I’m quite the planner aren’t I?) is to do a 1 day fast once a week indefinitely, and most likely on Mondays. That way I can keep getting fasting benefits forever, keeping my health in check, while also keeping my weight in check. Plus I also get to stay active in this subreddit, lol.

Edit: Looks like I’m the lone survivor :o

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You have a great attitude and your planning is solid. I was about 50lbs over my goal weight when I started my first ever fast. I did 7 days off the bat, and then went clean keto and IF, OMAD and some 72 hour fasts. The weight all came off by 4 months. That was almost 4 years ago with very little fluctuations until recently when I put on some weight. Fasting now (at 70 hrs) to jumpstart my metabolism again and I’m certain it will a breeze to get back to goal weight. Fast on!


Remember that much of what you lose is water weight. Look at your BMR, multiply it by 30, divide it by 3500. That’s approximately how many pounds you’ll lose that isn’t water. I was around half your weight and I only permanently lost 10 lbs (which I later ate back because I am unhoused with reactive hypoglycemia that I eat a sh*t diet, and I started a job just after the fast that I had to go back to eating Whole Foods premade crap whenever I came in early, every 2 hours, just after my shift, and whenever I got back. I can’t be working on carbs unless I eat constantly because of my particular issues…). Your end weight might end up only being what your current weight is, after your refeed. My BMR is normally only 1200 to maybe 1400, or about 1 lb every 3 days, so that kind of weight loss made sense for me. If you find your BMR, you can get a closer estimation of what your ultimate weight will be

Being active is important because your body won’t cannibalize the muscles you are actively using, and there can even be an increase in your BMR during an extended fast if you are going around doing things…

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