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No idea what I'm doing

Hello all, I’m sure this has been asked and answered on here, sorry. I’m gonna start in a few weeks, I know I should start today but I have some family events in a few weeks and I know I’ll stumble, fail, and get discouraged unless I wait until after. What apps/programs did you guys use to track and assist (preferably free cause I’m cheap)? What were some of the biggest hurdles you faced, especially the unexpected ones? If you’re partner wasn’t involved how much harder did that make it? I have a pretty physical job and I’m worried about energy issues and lightheadedness. Any advice you’ve got really would help, thanks to all who respond.

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Hey there!

Most importantly, especially with a physical job. Do not reduce your calorie intake to drastically.Muscle mass will swindle down too fast if you overhunger.

I am just IT, but also a reserve Parachute hunter for the German military. Me blacking out during(!) a hobby jump was a red flag. Please do not overdo it.

Set a realistic goal. Start with 12/12. Do not visit the fridge at night anymore. Progress to 10/14, 8, 16 or whatever you feel comfy with.

This is not a race! Slow and steady is the way to go!

Questions? Ask ahead! :)


Hello, I can’t really answer the other questions as I just started IF like 3 days ago but I use Lifesum to count calories and Fastic for IF. Fastic helps you choose your fasting time and track steps and water intake. All I can suggest is start slowly, mind what you eat and count your calories.


You can also just set timers too. And a note on the fridge or pantry, or tie that sucker up lol, until you get used to the not snacking. And if you forget, it’s not the end of the world, just keep going after that.

But try and don’t slip back into snacking on a daily, as that’ll defeat the purpose of IF. Give your self some grace, and it’s actually really nice to just eat within a certain window, and then not worry about making/buying/thinking about food once your body starts to adjust. And also, see what eating window times work best for you. Many people start in the afternoon, but if you think you need the calories in the morning for your job, play around with that and see what timeframe works best for you. Good luck and enjoy!

To me, it’s the easiest way to dial in my eating, without having to be on a strict diet. I try and do no-low carbs and no-low sugar most of the time to follow a keto frame, but sometimes will have a slice of my favorite toast or fruit if I can’t seem to shake the craving.

Regarding the partner, if they can at least match your meal time that’ll be great, and if you aren’t responsible for making their food, that makes it easier. See if they can support you in letting you get into the IF rhythm that works best for you first so you can find your routine, before doing meal prep for others (if that may trigger you to eat outside your set window on a regular basis,etc). I found that when I let myself “taste” something outside my window I am not good about stopping to get that second or third or fourth spoonful in, so it’s better I do cold turkey when I know I’m not in my window yet.

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