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No noticeable weight loss after a month

Hey guys. I know it’s early days but I just need some motivation as I’m feeling disheartened today.

I’ve been fasting for 36 hours and then eating OMAD and repeating this cycle for 4 weeks now.

The scales have gone from 235lbs to 220lbs which is good.

However my husband and other people in my life have said they can’t see any noticeable difference in my weight. My husband has been so supportive over this entire fasting diet so I know he’d tell me if he noticed any weight loss. I also haven’t noticed my clothes feeling any roomier. I still feel super fat and bloated.

How is this possible after a full month of fasting and only one meal a day on break fast days? Am I doing something wrong? I go swimming three times a week (currently all I can do as I have two small children)

Thanks in advance.

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Um, 15 pounds in one month of ADF us freaking amazing!!!

It’s hard to notice any difference when you take the first few sheets off a full roll of paper towels. It’s much more noticeable when the roll is almost empty.

Also, you could be losing fat packed around your organs. That’s less noticeable, but really good for you.

Keep going!!! Congrats again!!!


Dude you lost 15 lbs in one month. That’s super good. Also to repeat what has been said, there is fat surrounding your organs which you can’t see. So it’s not always noticeable at first. Your body will eliminate that fat first, since it’s more dangerous to your health. Don’t worry about anyone else noticing, just focus on yourself. We fast for ourselves. It’s our personal journey. Just keep it up!


Slow and steady wins the race. Keep doing what you are doing, and the small non-scale victories will start to add up. You might begin sleeping better, notice your belt fits differently, or something else small. Then they will begin to snowball. So as others have said, fantastic progress; keep at it.


The visibility of fat loss depends so much on your body configuration and where your genes dictate storage of adipose tissue. 15 lb is a LOT, but if it’s being lost more-or-less evenly around your torso and thighs, you’ll be hard pressed to see or feel it.

You have quite honestly kicked ass at this point. Stay with this success.


You have objective proof you’re making progress (would you really be happy if you weren’t losing weight but people said you were?) which counts the most, but you might just have to keep up the good work for there to be more visual clue for people that see you.

They will come, you just have to keep going.


As above comments, sounds good for a first month! If after a while it doesn’t seem like you’re losing enough or u wanna hyper lose weight keep extending your fast lengths as tolerated. Don’t be discouraged at all though, it sounds like decent progress =)


Keep in mind that your body finally has the time that it doesn’t have to spend on so many meals, to finally start other processes that your body needed. Think of it this way, your body might be prioritizing something else that needed healing, fixing, improving, etc., instead of primarily burning fat.

Also it’s awesome you go swimming! Maybe your body is using those meals to help build your muscles, so you might have less body fat, but more muscle tissue, so while the scale numbers aren’t moving, there can still be good changes happening in your body.

I know it’s frustrating, but you are doing a great job! Keep at it, perseverance is key!


15lbs isn’t always a big difference visually. The more you lose the more noticeable it’ll be visually. My advice is weigh yourself and take photos and measurements so you have whatever proof you need to know you lost weight.


That is HUGE. You’re going to have so much more energy for your kids, etc. Don’t you dare get disheartened, you’re doing great.

I know at my “peak” my clothes were all so tight that even when I lost weight… they were still tight. Also, your husband sees you daily, so it can be really hard to notice changes.

But the scale doesn’t lie.

I do wonder if you’re getting enough calories overall. Take it or leave it, but in your position I would look into whether this approach has the potential to slow your metabolism. One meal every 4 days doesn’t seem like enough.

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