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No scale

So I’ve been doing IF now for a few weeks. 16/8. Nothing really extra. My deal is I refuse to weigh myself due to severe body image problems. I do feel like it’s doing something but how will I really know if I don’t weigh myself? Does anyone else feel the same as me? If so, how do you know it’s working for you? Thanks!

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This hit home for me because I am the same way. I just started IF and am on day 47 doing 18/6 to 20/4 and have not stepped on a scale. Right now I am using my clothes and how they fit to judge progress. That and my wife telling me she can see the weight loss. With that said, I feel you anguish when it comes to scales. Thank you for posting, op.


Do body measurements. They are a better indicator of progress anyway. Weekly progress pics come in helpful too. Especially as you progress. Another good tool is body Calipers. They are cheap, and fairly easy to use.

That being said, fasting isn’t a magic bullet for weight loss. It is simply a tool that some people find helps them with calorie restriction. If you aren’t in a caloric deficit, it really doesn’t matter how often you eat. And even if you are in caloric deficit, it still doesn’t matter when you eat. Just that the calories are appropriate. Best of luck.


Me! I have had body image problems all my life and even going into IF I stopped weighing myself when I saw that was my focus and it was messing with my head. I know I lost more than 200 pounds and I’m wearing the smallest sizes I have in my entire life. I haven’t weighed myself in over a year and still IF. You’ll know.


I don’t weigh myself, I just try on some of my smaller clothes. Jeans that didn’t fit before, now fit, so…

I can feel it, and I can see it when I look in the mirror, but clothes are the real testament, for me.


i’m at 75 days and haven’t stepped on a scale once. i have a doctor’s appointment next month so i’ll get my first weight then. i don’t own a scale and refuse to get one; going to the doctor every three months will be more than enough progress tracking for me.

personally, i know i would get obsessed with the numbers on the scale and that would make me lose sight of why i’m really doing IF: to get a healthier body, not just a thinner body. so instead of focusing on numbers, i’m shifting my focus to maintaining my daily fasts and making the best possible choices with food. i know the weight will follow if i remain consistent. and somehow, not caring how much weight i’m losing has been so freaking liberating.


Assuming you are doing IF with weight loss as one of your goals, I agree with body measurements. Also, if you choose to eventually weigh yourself, do it only once a week, at the same time of day each week.

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