| | Water Fasting

No weight loss this week 🤨

173lbs last week, 173 this week.. what gives? Fasted 4/7 days & cal deficit

I started fasting again and was really happy to see I lost 10 lbs during my 4 day fast. Since then this week I have fasted 4 out of 7 days and ate under 1k calories on the 3 days I didn’t fast. My weight is still the exact same as the beginning of this week (173lbs). I know the first week the pounds fall off mostly due to water weight but I should have at least lost a few lbs this week. I have a smart scale and it shows only 1/5th of a lbs difference in muscle mass & body fat % so it’s not like i’m the same weight due to building up muscle. I’m in my 20’s and don’t have any health issues. Wondering if the whole starvation mode and slowing metabolism is true. Anyone else experience this? Am I doing something wrong?

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It’s just water weight fluctuating. And your scale cannot accurately tell you what your body fat and muscle is, it’s highly variable based on the amount of water in your body.

You didn’t lose 10lbs of fat in 4 days, you lost about 2lbs of fat and 6 lbs of water weight.

It’s also very concerning that you’re eating <1000 calories on days you aren’t fasting.

You’re getting into eating disorder territory with this whole line of thinking and action.


You aren’t eating enough in your eating window. You are starving yourself. Keep this up and you are going to wreak your metabolism. See Minnesota Starvation experiment or Biggest Loser study.

You would lose more weight by fasting a few days a week and eating at TDEE on eating days.

You really have to rethink CICO; it’s not the whole story. Good starting place: https://youtu.be/XhPwjmbkgDs https://youtu.be/iPNzwUY486A


Are you weighing yourself as soon as you wake up? That would be the best time as my weight can fluctuate up 5 pounds in a day with food and water. Also, try trending your weight over a longer time frame than just a week and I bet you will notice the average drops after intermittent/periodic fasting periods over a month or two. Finally, have patience… cant fix decades of abuse to the body in a few days.

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Categories: weight loss deficit 4 day fast calories muscle body fat eating disorder eating window intermittent