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Noob question. Can I shift my fasting times regularly?

Say on fridays me and the wife like to go out and I wind up eating / drinking past 8 pm. Could I then just shift my fasting time for the next day past my regular schedule with little to no effect? Thanks!

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I do this all the time. If I have a time where I eat beyond my fasting window. I just throw in a 36 hour fast or pretty much just skip a day of eating and resume my normal “feeding” window the following day.


Consistency is key, but when things change don’t sweat it too much. I’m a teacher and have just had 4 weeks off for the summer. While at work, I maintain an OMAD/24 fast lifestyle quite well, but I have toned it down while being off. This has changed to sometimes daily changes as I have more time on my hands, more distractions, people to see etc. Most days I have aimed for 18/6, sometimes 14/10 and occasionally when catching up with friends I will drop it so I can have a few beers. The longer windows have been better for weight loss, but I still feel good in myself with the shorter or fractured consistency fast.


I think best practice is likely being pretty consistent…but I’m all over the map and take the leptin swing approach. I do all kinds of fasting in different widows…the odd 12/12, lots of omad, 2 meal…some 36 and adf…plus prolonged fasting. I can’t say how it effected my journey in weight loss…but can say my path was pretty good

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