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Not eating enough

OK I’m such a newbie and should really read a book on how all this works but I’m asking my newbie questions here anyways:)

HOW do you even eat 1500 + calories in a short window? I’m still very new to this (week 2) and been naturally falling into a 19/5-ish scheme. BUT, I just am not able to eat much. Like I’ll be so hungry before my window opens and then when it does, I start snacking a bit and then I’m full before I’ve even cooked dinner. It’s like my stomach has shrunken and I just can’t eat much in one sitting but then I’m definitely eating too little and I’m worried about nutrients plus then I’m distracted thinking about food the next day before my window opens. This is very different than what I was doing before which was obsessively trying to eat 120g of protein a day which just led to me overeating all day and night. I love the ease of this and the promise of good energy all day, but I’m just not sure it’s healthy for me.

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meal-prep a 500 calorie mini-meal …. eat it at the beginning of your window ….. then cook a 1,000 calorie full meal to eat at the end of your window.

might take some experimenting to find a strategy that works for you.


I can never understand this question which is asked every day here….I mean a cup of nuts has 1000 calories…you mean to tell me you can’t polish off a cup of nuts in an hour 😂that puts you 500 calories away from your target…just one example…there are infinite


Make a homemade granola…with almonds, walnuts, pecans, green pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, oats, dried cherries and cranberries, dark chocolate, coconut shavings unsweetened, coconut flakes unsweetened, coconut oil, and whisked egg whites to help clump….trust me…a few bites and you hit your calorie mark…😂

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